I Hate CBT's

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A Long Walk To Water Chapter 6

Question: How is Nya's responsibility at camp different from her responsibility at home?
Answer: At camp Nya had to dig in the clay for water, while at home Nya had to make two, long trips to the pond everyday.
Question: "Nya's family had been coming to the lake camp for generations; Nya herself had been there every year since she was born." What does "generations" mean? How does the semi-colon help you to infer the meaning?
Answer: Generations means the average time period in which children are born, grow up, and have their own children. The semi-colon helps the reader to infer the meaning, because it joins two closely related sentences.
Question: Why does Nya's mom hate the camp?
Answer: They had no house and had to sleep in makeshift shelters. They could not bring most of their things, so they had to make do with whatever was at hand. They had to dig for water most of the day.
Question: What is Nya's mother most fearful of while at camp?
Answer: She is afraid that the men in the family would run into Dinka tribesmen somewhere, that they would fight, get injured, or even killed.
Question: Make an inference. Would Nya and Salva have been friends if they grew up in the same time period? Why or why not?
Answer: They would not have been friends, because Nya is Nuer and Salva is Dinka. The two tribes are rivals.
Question: "Salva's mouth closed and opened again, as if he were a fish." Why does the author make this comparison?
Answer: The author is trying to create an image of Salva's shocked expression for the reader.
Question: A symbol is something that or someone who represents a particular idea or quality. Who/what symbolizes hope for Salva?
Answer: Uncle Jewiir symbolizes hope for Salva.
Question: Why is Salva respected by the group?
Answer: He has army experience, and he has a gun.
Question: Why does Salva and the group get so sick from eating meat?
Answer: After so many weeks of near starvation, his stomach was not able to digest the food.
Question: Why does Salva always keep Uncle in sight?
Answer: Uncle makes Salva feel safe and supported.
Question: Why did the group walk for ten hours in one day?
Answer: They were unable to find a water hole.
Question: "As he opened his eyes, he heard wailing. Someone was crying." Which word in these sentences is a synonym for wailing?
Answer: Crying is a synonym for wailing.
Question: What can you infer happened to Marial?
Answer: Marial was killed by a lion.
Question: "A cold fist seemed to grip Salva's heart." What does this mean?
Answer: Salva's heart is full of fear, because Marial is missing.
Question: How are Salva and Nya similar?
Answer: They are both stuggling to survive.