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A Lump Of Energy Associated With Light Is Called A

Question: A lump of energy associated with light is called a
Answer: quantum and photon
Question: The first to be credited with the idea that energy was quantized was
Answer: Max Planck.
Question: The ratio of the energy of a photon to its frequency is
Answer: Planck's constant.
Question: In the equation E = hf, the symbol f stands for
Answer: wave frequency.
Question: In the equation E = hf, the symbol h stands for
Answer: none of the above
Question: Which has more energy per photon?
Answer: blue light
Question: The photons having least energy are those of
Answer: infrared
Question: Two pulses of light, one red and one blue, have the same energy. The pulse with the greater number of photons is the
Answer: red pulse.
Question: The phenomenon easily explained only in terms of the particle model of light is
Answer: photoelectric effect.
Question: Which experiment best illustrates the particle-like nature of light?
Answer: photoelectric effect
Question: The greater the frequency of the illuminating light on a photosensitive surface, the greater the
Answer: velocity of ejected electrons.
Question: If we increase the brightness of violet light shining on a photosensitive surface we also increases the
Answer: number of electrons ejected per second.
Question: The physics underlying photovoltaic solar cells is
Answer: the photoelectric effect.
Question: In photoelectric emission, the work function is the minimum
Answer: energy required to eject an electron from the surface.
Question: Light behaves primarily as a wave when it
Answer: travels from one place to another.
Question: The wave-particle duality applies to
Answer: protons, photons, and electrons.
Question: Very low-intensity light passing through a double slit produces a pattern that
Answer: is built up one photon at a time.
Question: According to Louis de Broglie, a material particle has
Answer: particle properties and wave properties.
Question: An electron microscope makes use of
Answer: the wave nature of electrons.
Question: Two photons that have the same wavelength also have the same
Answer: frequency and energy.
Question: A bullet and a proton have the same momentum. Which has the longer wavelength?
Answer: both the same
Question: An electron and a baseball move at the same speed. Which has the longer wavelength?
Answer: the electron
Question: What is conserved when a photon collides with an electron?
Answer: energy and momentum
Question: Quantum uncertainties are most predominant for simultaneously measuring the speed and location of
Answer: an electron.
Question: According to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the more we know about a particle's momentum, the less we know about its
Answer: location
Question: In Heisenberg's formula, delta p delta x greater than or equal to h, the h symbolizes
Answer: Planck's constant divided by 2pi.
Question: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that
Answer: Planck's constant sets a limit on accuracy of measurements.

we can't simultaneously measure exactly a particle's energy and time having that energy.

we can't simultaneously measure exactly both the position and momentum of a particle
Question: By casually glancing at a scene on your TV you are
Answer: neither of these
Question: A radiation detector measures radioactivity decay of a piece of radium by catching and counting alpha particles it emits. Making this measurement affects the
Answer: alpha particles that are caught and counted.
Question: The uncertainty principle tells us that the more information one has about the energy of an electron, the less certain one is about
Answer: the time it has that energy.
Question: Which laser beam carries more energy per photon - a red beam or a green beam?
Answer: a green beam
Question: Which has more energy - a photon of visible light or a photon of ultraviolet light?
Answer: a photon of ultraviolet light
Question: If a beam of red light and a beam of blue light have exactly the same energy, which beam contains the greater number of photons?
Answer: a beam of red light
Question: Does the photoelectric effect depend on the wave nature or the particle nature of light?
Answer: particle nature
Question: A typical wavelength of infrared radiation emitted by your body is 30 mm (3.0×10^−2 m ). Find the energy per photon of such radiation.
Answer: E = 6.6×10^−24 J
Question: Consider the de Broglie wavelength of an electron that strikes the back face of one of the early models of a TV screen at 1/10 the speed of light. Find the electron wavelength.
Answer: λ = 2.4×10^−11 m
Question: You decide to roll a 0.11-kg ball across the floor so slowly that it will have a small momentum and a large de Broglie wavelength.
If you roll it at 1.5×10−3 m/s , what is its wavelength?
How does this compare with the de Broglie wavelength of the high-speed electron that strikes the back face of one of the early models of a TV screen at 1/10 the speed of light (2.4×10^−11m)?
Answer: λ = 4.0×10^−30 m
λ/λTV = 1.7×10^−19
Question: When you adjust a telescope to get a clear image of Saturn's rings, there is a perceptible interaction between
Answer: you and the telescope.