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A Mechanical Wave Moves Through A Medium Which Can Be

Question: A mechanical wave moves through a medium, which can be a?
Answer: Solid, liquid, or gas.
Question: A mechanical wave generally does NOT...?
Answer: Move the medium from one place to another
Question: Transverse and longitudinal waves both...?
Answer: Transfer energy through a medium.
Question: Which type of mechanical wave needs a source of energy to produce it?
Answer: Surface, transverse, and longitudinal
Question: Which wave causes the medium to vibrate only in one direction parallel to the wave's motion?
Answer: Longitudinal
Question: A disturbance sends ripples across the water in a tub. These ripples are an example of a...?
Answer: Surface wave
Question: When a surf rides an ocean wave on her surfboard, she is actually riding on...?
Answer: A crest that is toppling over.
Question: A period is the length of time it takes for..?
Answer: one complete wavelength to pass a fixed point
Question: To determine the speed of a wave, you would use which formula?
Answer: speed=wavelength X frequency
Question: A wave has a wavelength of 10mm and a frequncy of 5.0 hertz. What is its speed?
Answer: 50 mm/s
Question: To find amplitude, measure..?
Answer: from a trough or crest to the rest position
Question: To what is amplitude related?
Answer: the amount of energy carried by the wave and the maximum displacement from the rest position
Question: When a wave strikes a solid barrier, it behaves likes a basketball hitting a backboard. The wave behavior is callled?
Answer: Reflection
Question: How does reflection differ from refraction and diffraction?
Answer: Reflection is the only process in which the wave does not continue moving forward.
Question: Fro refraction to occur in a wave, the wave must?
Answer: Enter a new medium at an angle
Question: In refraction, when a wave travels from one medium to another, it?
Answer: changes speed
Question: What is one property of a wave that determines how much it will diffract when it encounters an obstacle?
Answer: Wavelength
Question: Which wave will probably be diffracted the most by an obstacle?
Answer: the wave with the longest wavelength
Question: Suppose two waves collide and the temporarily combined wave that results is smaller than the original waves. What term best describes this interaction?
Answer: Destructive interference
Question: The formation of a standing wave requires?
Answer: interference between incoming and reflected waves
Question: A sound wave is an example of a?
Answer: Longitudinal wave
Question: In which medium does sound travel fastest?
Answer: Cast iron
Question: Instead of crests and troughs, as in an ocean wave, a longitudinal wave has compressions and____.
Answer: Rarefactions
Question: The trough of a transverse wave is most similar to a _____ in a longitudinal wave.
Answer: Rarefaction
Question: A wave in a rope is a transverse wave, but a sound wave is a______wave.
Answer: Longitudinal
Question: Waves in a rope are transverse waves because the medium's vibration is______to the direction in which the wave travels.
Answer: perpendicular
Question: In a transverse wave,_____ is measured from crest to crest or from trough to trough.
Answer: Wavelength
Question: If a wave has a wavelength of 4 m and a frequency of 3 hertz, its speed is______.
Answer: 12 m/s
Question: To compare energy of different waves, measure the _____of the waves.
Answer: Amplitude
Question: Amplitude measures the greatest displacement of a wave from the _________.
Answer: Rest position
Question: A wave entering a new medium at an angle will undergo________as one end of the wave changes speed.
Answer: refraction
Question: If two waves collide and form a temporary smaller wave, the interference is_______.
Answer: Destructive
Question: What is a medium?
Answer: The material a mechanical wave travels through.
Question: What type of mechanical wave is produced by pushing sharply on the end of a spring toy?
Answer: Longitudinal
Question: In what unit is wave frequency measured?
Answer: Hertz