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A Metabolic Measurement Cart Can Be Used To

Question: _______ is often performed to help identify the presence of a specific disease condition such as cardiovascular disease
Answer: Diagnostic testing
Question: As testing procedures move further away from the actual physical or psychological function desired in the assessment and evaluation, the _________ declines despite the fact that the results may be ___________.
Answer: validity; reliable

Answer: on a motorized treadmill
Question: a metabolic measurement cart can be used to
Answer: determine the fitness level of individuals performing exercise
Question: the measurement of oxygen concentration in the blood can be determined using
Answer: a pulse oximeter
Question: _________ is used to measure muscular force production by muscles at a constant contraction velocity
Answer: an isokinetic dynamometer
Question: True or False? Standardized warm-up and practice procedures are usually not needed in order to obtain valid and reliable results from testing
Answer: false
Question: True or False? The time of the most recent physical activity, exercise, or training session has little influence on the outcome of the tests being conducted
Answer: false
Question: True or False? a metabolic measurement cart measures the volume of expired air from an individual's mouth, analyzes the air for oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations, and produces assessments of the amount of oxygen consumed and the type of fuel source used to produce energy during rest and exercise
Answer: true
Question: True or False? Force platforms can be used to analyze ground reaction forces during standing, walking, running, and jumping
Answer: true
Question: True or False? Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA or DEXA) can be used to measure bone density as well as measure body composition
Answer: true
Question: True or False? The assessment of energy expenditure during resting and nonrusting conditions can be performed using a metabolic cart as measurement and a measure called the respiratory exchange ratio (RER).
Answer: true
Question: True or False? The use of skinfold thickness measurements for determining body composition is based on the principle that a certain percentage of total body fat lies directly beneath the surface of the skin
Answer: true
Question: True or False? The blood lipid profile typically consists of determining the total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, and LDL concentrations and but it remains a weak predictor of cardiovascular disease risk
Answer: false
Question: True or False? Qualitative assessments provide a deep understanding of the individual and personal factors that give meaning to why an individual believes and acts in a specific manner when participating in an exercise or sport setting
Answer: true
Question: excess sodium and alcohol consumption has been shown to increase the risk of developing
Answer: hypertension

Answer: fast muscle glycogen was depleted during exercise
Question: what nutrient is predominately responsible for providing energy during moderate to high intensity physical activity or exercise
Answer: carbohydrates
Question: the condition of _________ occurs when blood glucose cannot be taken into the cells of the body as a result of insufficient insulin production
Answer: type 1 diabetes
Question: during _________, the body breaks down tissue proteins, typically skeletal muscle, to ensure the formation of the essential proteins of the body
Answer: catabolism
Question: an increased daily consumption of fruits and vegetables can result in a
Answer: decreased risk of colon cancer
Question: athletes participating in sports that require high levels of muscular strength require
Answer: less protein than endurance athletes
Question: which of the following conditions may result from too much water intake without sufficient electrolyte replacement?
Answer: hyponatremia
Question: True or False? Nutritional intake strongly influences the development and progression of chronic diseases and poor health conditions such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, a variety of cancers, and obesity
Answer: true
Question: True or false? Carbohydrate loading has been shown to increase muscle glycogen levels and improve certain types of aerobic endurance exercise performance
Answer: true
Question: Exercise science as an area of study
Answer: that is primarily interested in the nutritional, physiological, psychological, and functional adaptations to movement
Question: research that acquires solutions to an immediate practical problem is called
Answer: applied research
Question: the best predictor of success in aerobic endurance sports is likely the
Answer: maximal lactate steady state
Question: True or False? The autonomic nervous system can be divided into two divisions: sympathetic and somatic
Answer: false
Question: True or False? The kidneys have little control over the elimination of metabolic waste products from the body
Answer: false
Question: True or false? Skeletal muscle can only contract in response to a stimulus from the nervous system
Answer: true
Question: True or False? The nervous system and the endocrine system are the two primary control systems in the body
Answer: true
Question: which of the following muscle fiber types are under direct conscious control during exercise?
Answer: skeletal muscle
Question: True or False? Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle are all under control of the autonomic nervous system
Answer: false
Question: Which of the following components of the nervous system experiences a decrease in the level of activity during exercise?
Answer: parasympathetic component
Question: True or False? Muscle fiber hypertrophy results in an increase in the number of fibers within a muscle
Answer: false
Question: metabolic syndrome describes the clustering of several conditions of the body, including
Answer: elevated levels of triglyceride
Question: the leading causes of death in the United States and other developed countries are
Answer: a result of lifestyle related diseases
Question: True or False? Qualitative research uses a scientific approach designed for the collection and analysis of numerical data typically obtained from subjects through direct testing or questionnaires
Answer: false
Question: True or False? Humans can only get energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
Answer: true
Question: True or False? Endurance training results in an increase in parasympathetic nervous activity and this allows for a reduced resting heart rate
Answer: true
Question: True or False? The primary minerals of the skeletal systems are calcium and phosphorus
Answer: true
Question: Very high intensity and very short duration exercise relies most on which energy system?
Answer: Immediate energy system (ATP-CP)
Question: A decrease in athletic performance due to excessive amounts of training is called overtraining and is characterized by
Answer: an increased susceptibility to illness
Question: Low levels of physical activity and dietary calcium intake result in an increased risk of developing
Answer: osteoporosis
Question: True or False? Most voluntary human movement involves the rotation of a body part around an imaginary axis of rotation that passes through the center of the joint to which the body part attaches
Answer: true
Question: True or False? The division of the body into three imaginary cardinal planes allows for a reference of biomechanical movements into three dimensions: sagittal, frontal, and transverse
Answer: true
Question: True or False? Success in throwing, hitting, or catching projectiles ultimately depends on the projectile's release velocity, angle of projection, and the height of the release
Answer: true
Question: _______ is the study of bodies, masses, and forces when they are speeding up or slowing down
Answer: dynamic biomechanics
Question: _______ occurs when all points on a body move in a straight line at the same distance, with no change in direction
Answer: rectilinear translation
Question: during a biomechanical analysis of a body movement or sport skill, it is often useful to employ a fixed system of reference called
Answer: a spatial reference system
Question: which of the following steps in the cyclical process of an analysis of a movement skill occurs first?
Answer: identification of the movement problem
Question: A force that tends to shorten or squeeze something, decreasing its volume, is called
Answer: a compressive force
Question: ________ work primarily to prevent workplace injuries and improve the capacity for the individual to return to work after an injury has occurred by modifying the workplace environment
Answer: ergonomists
Question: The _________ describes how major motor movements of the body occur at the same time so that no observable difference in time exists between the contributions of the different body segments to the performance
Answer: simultaneous kinetic link principle
Question: True or False? Clinical exercise physiologists use physical activity and exercise to prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease in healthy individuals and to provide therapeutic or functional benefits to individuals with disease conditions or physical disabilities
Answer: true
Question: True or False? The US Surgeon General's Report in 1996 was a significant milestone in the promotion of physical activity and exercise for both healthy and diseased individuals
Answer: true
Question: True or False? Functional capacity testing is commonly used to assess the presence of cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic disease
Answer: false
Question: True or False? Prior to performing a graded exercise test, a patient must undergo pretesting screening for the assessment of health
Answer: true
Question: True or False? The assessment of an individual's personal health history and risk factors for cardiovascular disease is an important component of the pretesting screening phase of exercise testing and prescription
Answer: true
Question: True or False? The best measure of functional capacity is maximal oxygen consumption
Answer: true
Question: True or False? The assessment of health-related physical fitness is not a very commonly performed practice in preventative and rehabilitative exercise programs
Answer: false
Question: True or False? Hypertension is generally defined as a blood pressure reading greater than 140 (systolic) over 90 (diastolic) mmHg.
Answer: true
Question: True or False? Individuals with the condition of metabolic syndrome are at a decreased risk of coronary heart disease and other diseases related to atherosclerosis and Type 2 diabetes
Answer: false
Question: True or False? Type 2 diabetes is characterized by a lack of insulin production by the pancreas in the body
Answer: false
Question: The primary duties of clinical exercise physiologists include all of the following except
Answer: diagnosing cardiovascular disease
Question: A graded exercise test requires an individual to
Answer: perform exercise that progressively increases in intensity
Question: The process whereby the individual participating in the graded exercise test is made aware of and understands the purposes, risks, and benefits associated with the test or exercise program is called
Answer: the process of providing informed consent
Question: Which of the following combinations of measurements are used to evaluate cardiovascular function during a graded exercise test?
Answer: blood pressure, RPE, electrocardiogram
Question: A submaximal graded exercise test is usually _______ than a maximal effort graded exercise test.
Answer: safer to administer
Question: Which of the following is the leading cause of mortality in the U.S.?
Answer: cardiovascular disease
Question: Regular exercise results in the following change that would improve health in a person with cardiovascular disease:
Answer: increased maximal oxygen consumption
Question: The narrowing of the opening of the vessel through the buildup of plaque is often referred to as:
Answer: coronary atherosclerosis
Question: The improvement of blood glucose control, as a result of participation in regular exercise, will most likely improve what disease?
Answer: Type 2 Diabetes
Question: A decrease in bone mineral density is reflective of which disease condition?
Answer: Osteoporosis
Question: _______ is the study of change in motor behavior over a lifespan and the various processes, which underlie these changes
Answer: motor development
Question: during the period of infancy, the development of _________ is important to establish the foundation of normal growth and development.
Answer: reaching and grasping
Question: this period marks a transition from refining fundamental movement abilities to the establishment of transitional movement skills to simple games and athletic skills
Answer: childhood
Question: which of the following maturation changes is most likely to provide males with advantages in physical performance over females?
Answer: larger shoulder girdle
Question: information about successful completion of a movement skill requires three stages, the first of which is
Answer: stimulus recognition
Question: when individuals move information about a movement learned during practice from short-term to long-term memory store, the process is called
Answer: encoding
Question: the appropriate amount of time between when a skill is performed and when the knowledge of results is provided depends on the
Answer: task complexity
Question: the _________ is the area of the brain in humans that serves to coordinate complex voluntary movements, posture, and balance
Answer: cerebellum
Question: true or false? Motor control is the study of the neurological, physiological, and behavioral aspects of movement and how our brain and spinal cord plan and perform those movements
Answer: true
Question: true or false? the recruitment of motor units during movement is responsible for the motor patterns that are executed and the force generated by a muscle during contraction.
Answer: true
Question: true or false? exercise physiology is the study of how the systems individually and collectively respond to acute and chronic bouts of physical activity and exercise
Answer: true
Question: true or false? the term chronic adaptations to physical activity and exercise refers to the changes that occur in the systems of the body in response to one bout of physical activity or exercise
Answer: false
Question: true or false? the chronic adaptations to exercise improve various functions of the body while at rest and during both sub-maximal and maximal exercise
Answer: true
Question: true or false? eating a meal high in carbohydrate content will decrease the use of blood glucose as an energy source during rest and sub-maximal exercise
Answer: false
Question: true or false? A reduced level of muscle glycogen will result in a reduced exercise intensity during prolonged exercise
Answer: true
Question: true or false? regular physical activity and exercise can assist the person with type 2 diabetes with the regulation of blood glucose levels
Answer: true
Question: true or false? the lactate threshold is that exercise intensity at which blood lactate concentration begins to increase above resting levels
Answer: true
Question: true or false? When an individual performs physical activity or exercise in hot/humid environmental condition, the main response of the body is to increase blood flow to the skin to assist with temperature regulation
Answer: true
Question: true or false? during exercise, it is important to match fluid and electrolyte intake to water loss in order to prevent dehydration
Answer: true
Question: which of the following terms describes the condition of the various systems of the body when the body is in a resting state?
Answer: homeostasis
Question: when the systems of the body respond to a single bout of physical activity or exercise, this is referred to as
Answer: an acute response
Question: which of the following sources provides the most energy during the performance of low intensity exercise?
Answer: fat
Question: which of the following factors would increase the use of fat as an energy source?
Answer: increased exercise duration

Answer: promote carbohydrate utilization as an energy source

Answer: an increase in protein synthesis

Answer: a decrease in bone mineral density
Question: the female athlete triad is a condition that
Answer: occurs more frequently in women who have amenorrhea
Question: which season is the goal of active recovery?
Answer: post season
Question: which season is the goal of improving strength, endurance, and power?
Answer: off season
Question: a Macro cycle is
Answer: 1 year
Question: acute musculoskeletal injuries are most commonly treated by
Answer: using rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE)
Question: the immediate effects of an acute injury to a body part include
Answer: increased swelling of the body part
Question: muscle actions that consist of contracting a muscle against a resistance and moving the joint through the ROM at a constant velocity are called
Answer: isokinetic
Question: _________ describes when forces along the body are transmitted to an adjacent structure, usually the floor or piece of equipment
Answer: closed chain kinetic movement
Question: ________ ensures that all individuals have certain rights over the control and use of their medical records, and provides a clear path of recourse if their medical privacy is compromised
Answer: HIPPA
Question: One of the primary differences identified in personality characteristics of unsuccessful and successful athletes suggests that successful athletes are
Answer: more self-confident
Question: self-efficacy is an important determinant of behavior in physical activity, exercise, and sport and is derived from four factors, one of which is
Answer: past performance
Question: athletes who concentrate on certain relevant environmental stimuli, though at the same time ignoring irrelevant stimuli, will have a _____ chance at successful performance than individuals who are distracted and unable to concentrate
Answer: greater
Question: which of the following characteristics and guidelines for physical activity and exercise appear to have the greatest impact on changing an individual's mood?
Answer: performing rhythmic and repetitive movements that allow the mind to focus on important issues
Question: the _________ model postulates that individuals engaging in a new behavior, such as adopting a regular exercise program, move through the stages of precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance
Answer: Transtheoretical Model