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A Method That Brings Water To Crops

Question: Irrigation
Answer: a method that brings water to crops
Question: Civilization
Answer: complex societies that have organized governments, culture, and writing
Question: City-State
Answer: has its own government but is not part of any larger unit
Question: Artisan
Answer: a skilled worker
Question: Steady Food Supply
Answer: Ancient Sumerians invented irrigation systems and plows. What did these two inventions help provide?
Question: Artisans, merchants, farmers, and fishers made up this group
Answer: Middle Class
Question: River Valleys
Answer: The first civilization arose in _____________ because the conditions for farming were good
Question: Tigris and Euphrates
Answer: What were the two rivers that allowed settlement in Mesopotamia?
Question: Walls and Moats
Answer: How did Sumerians solve their problem of attacks by neighbors?
Question: The Top Level
Answer: Which social class would have lived in the center of the city and lived in a two-story house.
Question: The King's
Answer: Whose duty was it to do these jobs: build temples, lead the army, and enforce laws?
Question: Levees, reservoirs, and canals
Answer: Which of these are part of the irrigation systems used in Mesopotamia?
Question: Trade
Answer: _________ helped ideas spread around the world
Question: Cuneiform
Answer: The Sumerian writing system was called
Question: being attacked, building and maintaining irrigation, uncontrolled water supply
Answer: What were 3 k key problem in early Mesopotamia?
Question: Ziggurat
Answer: The Sumerians build a temple called a ________ to honor their chief god
Question: Plow, Wheel, Sailboat
Answer: Three important Sumerian inventions
Question: Copper Blades
Answer: What evidence shows that Sumerian society developed after the Stone Age?
Question: Government officials and Priests are in the same class
Answer: How are Sumerian religion and government were connected?
Question: Wheel
Answer: The Sumerians invented something that made it possible for their armies to use chariots. What was it?
Question: hot and dry
Answer: Mesopotamia's climate was
Question: kings and priests
Answer: Which of the following were members of the upper class?
Question: Moat
Answer: a deep, wide ditch surrounding a castle, fort, or town, typically filled with water and intended as a defense against attack.
Question: Canal
Answer: an artificial waterway constructed to allow the passage of water for irrigation.
Question: Levees
Answer: an embankment built to prevent the overflow of a river.
Question: Reservoirs
Answer: a large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply
Question: Plow
Answer: farm machine used to cut, lift, and turn over soil
Question: Scribe
Answer: a person who writes and records information for a job
Question: The Middle Class
Answer: Which social class were merchants and artisans part of?
Question: Slaves
Answer: Which social class was at the bottom of the social structure and had no property?