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A Midwife Is With The Mother

Question: What hormone that is released by the mother's pituitary gland is responsible for initiating contractions in the uterus?
Answer: Oxytocin
Question: What is a midwife?
Answer: A female who is trained or has direct experience with the birth process.
Question: It was standard practice in hospitals in Western countries from the 1930s through the 1960s to ______.
Answer: heavily medicate women in labor
Question: What childbirth practice rejects medical technology and interventions and utilizes various breathing techniques to lessen pain?
Answer: Natural childbirth
Question: What stage of the birth process is the longest and most strenuous to the mother?
Answer: Labor
Question: What is the birth position called when the fetus is feet or buttocks down?
Answer: Breech
Question: What medical technique is used to measure the fetus' heartbeat during the birthing process by attaching a device on the mother's abdomen or by placing a sensor on the fetus' scalp?
Answer: Electronic fetal monitoring
Question: What happens during the last stage of labor?
Answer: The placenta is delivered.
Question: Throughout history, most births were overseen by ______.
Answer: midwives
Question: Since critics have argued that they are unnecessary, these procedures have decreased from 90% in 1970 to 20% in 2000.
Answer: Episiotomies
Question: You are an intern working at the maternity ward in a hospital. This is your first day on the job, and a woman who is in labor had her fetal monitor alarm sound. Given what you've learned from your text, what should you do next?
Answer: Quickly tell a nurse that the fetus is in distress.
Question: For up to eighteen months soft spots exist on a neonate's head. What are these called?
Answer: fontanels
Question: Your neighbor did all in her power to have a healthy pregnancy. However, she gave birth at 33 weeks and her neonate was "small for date." This means that her baby was ______.
Answer: born weighing less than was expected for her gestational age
Question: When your brother and his wife brought their neonate home from the hospital, she weighed less than she did at birth. Why?
Answer: It is typical for babies to lose weight right after birth. She will likely regain the weight before a couple of weeks go by.
Question: Low-birth-weight neonates benefit most from which intervention, helping them survive the first year of life?
Answer: Kangaroo care
Question: Infants are born with automatic responses that help them to survive. These automatic responses are known as ______.
Answer: reflexes
Question: Virginia Apgar developed a neonatal screening system. The Apgar scoring system assesses color, heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, and_________.
Answer: reflexes
Question: Your sister has a new infant, and she has been having difficulty adapting to motherhood. She feels down and very anxious most of the time, she can't sleep, and she has no appetite. What might be wrong with your sister?
Answer: She likely has postpartum depression.
Question: The first yellowish and thick milk that is produced by a mother is extremely rich in protein and antibodies. What is this substance called?
Answer: Colostrum
Question: What is linked to a reduced likelihood of obesity in childhood?
Answer: Breast feeding for six months