A Mixed Media Artwork Is Made

Question: In Her Secret Is Patience, Janet Echelman used

a) wood and plastic.
b) fiber, steel, and lights.
c) glass and copper.
d) grass, plants, and flowers.
Answer: b) fiber, steel, and lights
Question: Romare Bearden's Rocket to the Moon is an example of

a) a photomontage.
b) an outsider artwork.
c) a nonobjective artwork.
d) a retablo.
Answer: a) a photomontage.
Question: Jazz provided a notable influence on the work of

a) Ray Beldner.
b) Romare Bearden.
c) Edward Weston.
d) Alexis Smith.
Answer: b) Romare Bearden.
Question: Elizabeth Catlett's I Have Special Reservations... is an example of

a) a linoleum cut.
b) an engraving.
c) an etching.
d) a silkscreen.
Answer: a) a linoleum cut.
Question: Raphael's The School of Athens provides the viewer with the illusion of the three- dimensional world on a two-dimensional surface by the use of

a) impasto.
b) analogous colors.
c) Implied motion.
d) linear perspective.
Answer: d) linear perspective.
Question: A mixed-media artwork is made

a) with different materials.
b) by a team of several artists.
c) using more than one style.
d) by assimilating diverse influences.
Answer: a) with different materials.
Question: Mary Cassatt's The Letter most notably demonstrates the influence of

a) German engravings.
b) Dutch etchings.
c) Japanese woodblock prints.
d) French lithographs.
Answer: c) Japanese woodblock prints.
Question: When a work of art shows no reference to the natural world of images, it is called

a) expressionistic.
b) stylized.
c) representational.
d) nonrepresentational.
Answer: d) nonrepresentational.
Question: The term used to describe the "fool-the-eye" realism of Maggritte and the Surrealists is

a) abstract.
b) figurative.
c) nonrepresentational.
d) trompe l'oeil.
Answer: d) trompe l'oeil.
Question: In an artwork, the total effect of the combined visual qualities is known as the

a) content.
b) shape.
c) form.
d) message.
Answer: c) form.
Question: Which artist wanted viewers to see the natural rhythms present in a flower?

a) Georgia O'Keeffe
b) Nancy Graves
c) Constantine Brancusi
d) Jean-Michel Basquiat
Answer: a) Georgia O'Keeffe
Question: The symbolic meaning of visual signs in a work of art is known as

a) content.
b) iconography.
c) form.
d) aesthetics.
Answer: b) iconography.
Question: Figurative art is a type of

a) representational art.
b) abstract art.
c) nonrepresentational art.
d) folk art.
Answer: a) representational art.
Question: Which of the following is used to describe an elevated awareness of beauty in the viewer?

a) aesthetics
b) perception
c) medium
d) Idealism
Answer: a) aesthetics
Question: Francisco Goya's print I Saw This was intended as a commentary on

a) war.
b) race.
c) gender.
d) religion.
Answer: a) war.
Question: The process of printing came to Europe from

a) Japan.
b) Korea.
c) China.
d) Indonesia.
Answer: c) China.
Question: Which artist is known for making a modified Citroen DS car?

a) Benjamin West
b) Beatrice Wood
c) Gabriel Orozco
d) Pierre Patel
Answer: c) Gabriel Orozco
Question: The Taj Mahal was intended to function as a

a) temple.
b) mosque.
c) shrine.
d) tomb.
Answer: d) tomb.
Question: Background shapes are referred to as

a) negative shapes.
b) positive shapes.
c) biomorphic shapes.
d) organic shapes.
Answer: a) negative shapes.
Question: The purity or saturation of a color is its

a) hue.
b) value.
c) intensity.
d) form.
Answer: c) intensity.
Question: Encaustic is an ancient painting medium in which the pigments are suspended in

a) beeswax
b) sand
c) oil
d) plaster
Answer: a) beeswax
Question: The process of aligning the impressions of blocks or plates on the same sheet of paper is known as __________.

a) offset lithography
b) wood engraving
c) stenciling
d) registration
Answer: d) registration
Question: Alexander Calder's mobiles are examples of "kinetic art," because they

a) move in space.
b) are made of metal.
c) have only a few colors.
d) lack political content.
Answer: a) move in space.
Question: The printmaking technology that holds ink in areas below the surface of the matrix is called

a) intaglio
b) relief
c) screenprinting
d) lithography
Answer: a) intaglio
Question: In art, the term "value" refers to the

a) lightness and darkness of surfaces.
b) psychological temperature of color.
c) foreground and background.
d) quality of line and shape.
Answer: a) lightness and darkness of surfaces.
Question: Which work makes use of light as a medium?

a) Jennifer Bartlett's Trio
b) James Turrell's Afrum
c) Keith Haring's Monkey Puzzle
d) Meret Oppenheim's Object (Breakfast in Fur)
Answer: b) James Turrell's Afrum
Question: Two-dimensional artists create the illusion of volume with light by using

a) chiaroscuro.
b) texture.
c) warm hues.
d) mixed media.
Answer: a) chiaroscuro.
Question: The juxtaposition of strongly dissimilar elements is referred to as

a) contrast.
b) asymmetry.
c) emphasis.
d) subordination.
Answer: a) contrast.
Question: Projective drawing involves

a) working exclusively from photographic imagery.
b) creating something that only exists in the artist's mind.
c) working directly from observation.
d) combining approaches and media.
Answer: b) creating something that only exists in the artist's mind.
Question: Any kind of movement or structure of dominant and subordinate elements in sequence in a work of art refers to

a) shape.
b) color.
c) rhythm.
d) line.
Answer: c) rhythm.
Question: Which theories focus attention on the composition of an artwork and how earlier artworks may have influenced it?

a) formal theories
b) contextual theories
c) political theories
d) expressive theories
Answer: a) formal theories
Question: Value judgment about art necessarily involves

a) subjectivity.
b) negative judgments.
c) contextual evaluation.
d) analysis of an artist's biography.
Answer: a) subjectivity.
Question: Critics who examine the environmental influences on a work of art, such as the economic system, cultural values, and politics, use

a) expressive theories.
b) formal theories.
c) contextual theories.
d) expressive theories and formal theories.
Answer: c) contextual theories.
Question: Chris Ofili's Holy Virgin Mary and Michelangelo's Last Judgment

a) both resist interpretation according to formal theories.
b) are both universally regarded as masterpieces.
c) were both subject to censorship.
d) are similarly unable to be interpreted using contextual theories.
Answer: c) were both subject to censorship.
Question: Michelangelo created Study of a Reclining Male Nude

a) primarily from his imagination.
b) in preparation for a larger work.
c) as a demonstration of his rejection of observation-based drawing.
d) as a self-sufficient final work of art.
Answer: b) in preparation for a larger work.
Question: A full-sized drawing made as a guide for a work in another medium is a

a) fresco.
b) cartoon.
c) mosaic.
d) contour.
Answer: b) cartoon.
Question: Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis is an example of a

a) cartoon.
b) graphic novel.
c) mural.
Answer: b) graphic novel.
Question: Keltie Ferris demonstrates a contemporary approach by finishing her works with

a) spray paint.
b) digital manipulation.
c) impasto.
d) trompe l'oeil effects.
Answer: a) spray paint.
Question: Which artist is considered a leader in the revival of fresco painting in the 1920s and 1930s?

a) Tom Wudl
b) Diego Rivera
c) Joan Mitchell
d) Anne Truitt
Answer: b) Diego Rivera
Question: In painting media, the pigment most notably provides

a) form.
b) color.
c) texture.
d) liquidity
Answer: b) color.
Question: Essay Question:

Identify the three principal theories of art criticism.
Answer: 1. Formal Theories: looking at how a work is made

2. Contextual Theories: what was occurring at the time the work of art was made

3. Expressive Theories: the artist and the personal meaning/expression in the artwork
Question: Essay Question:

Identify the three basic ingredients of paint.
Answer: 1. Pigment: provides color

2. Binder: holds the pigment together

3. Vehicle: makes paint a liquid and can be added for thinning
Question: Essay Question:

Differentiate between form and content in art.
Answer: Form: how it looks like
Content: the message in the art