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A Multiple Choice Test Is A Good Example Of

Question: Learning
Answer: A relatively permanent change in behavior, knowledge, capability, or attitude that is acquired through experience, etc.
Question: Classical Conditioning
Answer: A organism learns to associate one stimulus with another.
Question: Basis of classical conditioning
Answer: reflex behavior
Question: Reflex
Answer: Any response you have to a stimulus that is inherent (you are born with it)
Question: Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
Answer: A stimulus that elicits a specific unconditioned response without prior learning.
Question: Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Answer: A neutral stimulus that, after repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus, becomes associated with it and elicits a conditioned response.
Question: Unconditioned Response (UR)
Answer: A response that is elicited by an unconditioned stimulus without prior learning
Question: Conditioned Response (CR)
Answer: The learned response that comes to be elicited by a conditioned stimulus as a result of its repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus.
Question: Higher Order Conditioning
Answer: Conditioning that occurs when conditioned stimuli are linked together to form a series of signals.
Question: Extinction
Answer: the weakening and eventual disapperance of the conditioned response as a result of a repeated presentation of CS without US.
Question: Spontaneous Recovery
Answer: Recurrence of an extinguished conditioned response (in a weaker form), usually following a rest period
Question: Stimulus Genernalization
Answer: the tendency to make a conditioned response to a stimulus that is similar to the orginal conditioned stimulus.
Question: Stimulus Discrimination
Answer: Ability to distinguish between similar stimuli so that the CR occurs only to the original conditioned stimulus but not to similar stimuli.
Question: Pavlov Exp.
Answer: food, sound, salivation to food, salivation to sound.
Question: Albert and Rat
Answer: noise, rat, startle to noise, and startle to rat.
Question: Biological Predispositions
Answer: AKA species specific behavior... prevent or inhibit an organism from learning behavior, places limits on learning.
Question: Taste Averison
Answer: The intense dislike/ and or avoidence of a particular food that has been associated with nausea or discomfort.
Question: Thorndike's Law of effect
Answer: was a foundation for Skinner's work in Operant Conditioning.
Question: Skinner
Answer: Father of operant, preferred reward as a reinforcer, used punishent only when combined with reward.
Question: The basis or key to operant conditioning is
Answer: Reinforcement
Question: Reinforcer
Answer: Anything that follows a response and strengthens or increases the pobability that will be repeated. To reinforce is to make stronger.
Question: Shaping
Answer: teaching a complex behavior by rewarding little by little until the behavior is achieved.
Question: Positive Reinforcement
Answer: Any pleasent or desirable consequence.
Ex: Did study, good grade
Question: Negative Reinforcement
Answer: The termination of an unpleasent condition after a response.
Ex: didnt study, bad grade
Question: Primary Reinforcer
Answer: A reinforcer that fulfills a basic physical need for survival and does not depend on learning.
Question: Seconday Reinforcer
Answer: acquired or learned through association with other reinforcers.
Question: Continuous Reinforcement
Answer: Reinforcing some instance of a behavior the learning appears to take place more rapidly.
Question: Partial Reinforcement
Answer: Reinforcing some instance of a behavior (not all) and the learning is more persistant.
Question: Reinforcement in Classical Conditioning
Answer: Pairing the conditioned stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus.
Question: Reinforcement in Operant Conditioning
Answer: Simply rewarding or punsihing.
Question: Recall
Answer: A measure of memory in which the person must retrieve information learned earlier, as on a fill-in-the-blank test.
Question: Recognition
Answer: This multiple choice test question is a good example of using _____ to test long-term memory.
Question: Relaerning
Answer: Measuring how much faster one relearns material that has been previously learned and then forgotten.