I Hate CBT's

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A Narrow Span Of Management Is Appropriate When

Question: Line structure
Answer: The simplest organizational structure. Has direct lines of authority that extend from the top manager to employees at the lowest level of the organization
Question: Line and staff structure
Answer: Has a traditional line relationship between subordinates and superiors, an specialized managers (called staff managers) are available to assist line managers
Question: Multidivisional structure
Answer: Organizes departments into larger groups called divisions
Question: Narrow span of management
Answer: Appropriate when superiors and subordinates are not in close proximity, the manager has many responsibilities including supervision. Interaction between superiors and subordinates is frequent and problems are common
Question: Wide span of management
Answer: Appropriate when superiors and subordinates are close together, the manager has few responsibilities other than supervision, interaction between superiors and subordinates is low, problems are rare, subordinates are highly competent