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A Naturally Occurring Inorganic Solid

Question: Mineral!
Answer: A naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a specific chemical composition and a definite crystalline structure.
Question: Crystal
Answer: a solid in which the atoms are arranged in a pattern that repeats again and again
Question: Luster
Answer: The way a mineral reflects light from its surface
Question: What are two types of luster?
Answer: Metallic and NonMetallic
Question: Hardness
Answer: A measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched!!
Question: Clevage
Answer: The manner in which a mineral breaks along planes where atomic bonding is weak.
Question: Fracture
Answer: Minerals that break with rough or jagged edges
Question: Streak
Answer: the color of a mineral when it is broken up and powdered
Question: Specific Gravity
Answer: The most common measure of density used by geologists.
Question: Geologist
Answer: A scientist who studies the origin, history, and structure of the earth
Question: Silicate
Answer: Minerals that contain Silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) in its crystal structure
Question: Tetrahedron
Answer: A geometric solid figure made up of 4 equal triangles
Question: Ore
Answer: Mineral or rock that contains a valuable substance that can be mined as a profit.
Question: Gem
Answer: Rare, precious, highly prized mineral that can be cut, polished, and used for jewelry
Question: Hermatite
Answer: is an ore that can contain the element iron.
Question: How can minerals be identified?
Answer: based on there chemical and physical properties
Question: What are ways to identify a mineral?
Answer: Using a combination of several tests
Question: How do minerals form?
Answer: From Magma, supersaturated solutions, or from evaporation of solutions in which they are dissolved.
Question: What is a naturally occurring, solid, inorganic compound or element?
Answer: Mineral
Question: What term refers to the regular, geometric shapes that occur in many minerals?
Answer: Tetrahedran
Question: What is the term for minerals containing Silicon and Oxygen?
Answer: Silicate
Question: What is the relationship between ore and gem?
Answer: ores and gems are both economic minerals; their value depends on their cost of production and on the supply and demand
Question: What is the relationship between silicate and tetrahedron?
Answer: silicate are minerals that are formed by the bonding of tetrahedrons
Question: the ______ test determines what materials a mineral will scratch hardness
Answer: Hardness
Question: minerals that break randomly exhibit _____
Answer: Fracture