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A Net Torque Applied To An Object Causes __________.

Question: If an object is rotating clockwise, this corresponds to a _____ angular velocity.
Answer: negative
Question: The angular displacement of a rotating object is measured in:
Answer: radians
Question: The angular velocity is measured in:
Answer: radians per second
Question: Moment of inertia is:
Answer: the rotational equivalent of mass
Question: F=ma
Answer: Torque=Iα
Question: Which factor does the torque on an object not depend on?

A. magnitude of the applied force
B. object's angular velocity
C. angle at which the force is applied
D. distance from the axis to the point at which the force is applied
Answer: B. object's angular velocity
Question: A net torque applied to an object causes:
Answer: the angular velocity of the object to change.
Question: A ball rolls around a circular path with an angular velocity of 4π rad/s. What is the period of the motion?
∆θ= 2πrad=360° b/c that's what it takes to complete a whole rotation

= 2πrad/(4πrad/s)
Answer: 1/2s
Question: This is the angular velocity graph of a wheel. How many revolutions does the wheel make in the first 4s?

The number of revolutions is equal to the area under the curve.
Answer: 6
Question: Starting from rest, a wheel with constant angular acceleration turns through an angle of 25 rad in a time t. Through what angle will it have turned after time 2t?

Answer: 100 rad
Question: Rasheed and Sofia are riding a merry-go-round that is spinning steadily. Sofia is twice as far from the axis as is Rasheed. Sofia's angular velocity is ____ that of Rasheed.
Answer: the same as
Question: Rasheed and Sofia are riding a merry-go-round that is spinning steadily. Sofia is twice as far from the axis as is Rasheed. Sofia's speed is ____ that of Rasheed.
Answer: twice
Question: Two coins rotate on a turntable. Coin B is twice as far from the axis as coin A.
Answer: the angular velocity of A equals that of B
Question: The fan blade is slowing down. What are the signs of ω and α?
Moving clockwise= negative ω; counterclockwise = positive ω
Answer: - ω and + α b/c slowing down also means opposite signs
Question: The fan blade is speeding up. what are the signs of ω and α?

Moving clockwise
Answer: -ω and -a b/c speeding up means same signs
Question: Starting from rest, a wheel with constant angular acceleration spins up to 25 rpm in a time t. What will its angular velocity be after time 2t?

rounds per minute
Answer: 50 rpm because the twice was doubled
Question: The four forces shown have the same strength. Which force would be most effective in opening the door?

the forces are
near the hinge
at an angle at the side of the door
at the side of the door from the frame
at the end of the door but from the back
Answer: at the end of the door from the back just like how any other door is opened
Question: Which is the third force on the wheel, applied at point P, will make the net torque zero?

a circle with pivot at the center, and an arrow pointing left bottom. Another vector directly below the pivot at the edge of the circle.
Answer: the arrow pointing up from point P
Question: Center of gravity needs to be
Answer: within the extreme points