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A Networked Organizational Structure Feels Both Like A

Question: Cognizant's organizational structure was ________, but realized as its organization grew and its services became more complicated that a __________ structure for the organization was more appropriate.

a) hierarchical, networked

b) matrix, networked

c) flat, matrix

d) hierarchical, matrix

e) flat, hierarchical
Answer: d
Question: The organizational structure of Tata Consulting Services (TCS) is a ___________ organizational structure.

a) hierarchical

b) networked

c) matrix

d) flat

e) zero time
Answer: a
Question: All statements below are true about a matrix organization structure EXCEPT:

a) The design supports both function and purpose.

b) IS reduces operating complexities by easily sharing information among management.

c) Workers are assigned to two or more managers.

d) Worker's jobs are loosely defined.

e) Challenges can arise for managers who have lots of information and attend frequent meetings.
Answer: d
Question: This type of organizational structure is based upon the concepts of division of labor, specialization, and unity of command. Key decisions are made at the top and filter down through the organization.

a) Hierarchical

b) Networked

c) Flat

d) Matrix

e) Social
Answer: a
Question: This newer organizational design is designed to be highly flexible so that resources can be configured quickly to respond to changing demands.

a) Zero time organization

b) Social networked organization

c) Flat organization

d) Matrix organization

e) T-form organization
Answer: e
Question: IS plays three important roles in management control processes. These processes are data collection, evaluation, and _______________.

a) transformation

b) management

c) communication

d) implementation

e) conversion
Answer: c
Question: Organizational design is all about making sure that _________ are properly allocated, reflecting the structure of formal reporting relationships.

a) decision rights

b) business processes

c) values

d) incentives

e) IS
Answer: a
Question: Traditional organizations have one of four types of organizational design. What are these four structure types?

a) Traditional, flat, matrix, technology

b) Hierarchical, flat, matrix, networked

c) Matrix, networked, flat, information

d) Matrix, flat, networked, traditional

e) Social, networked, matrix, hierarchical
Answer: b
Question: In which type of organizational design do middle managers do the primary information processing and communication function, telling subordinates what to do and then reporting the outcome to senior management?

a) Flat

b) Networked

c) Hierarchical

d) Matrix

e) Hybrid
Answer: c
Question: In which type of organizational structure will employees report to two or more supervisors?

a) Hierarchical

b) Networked

c) Flat

d) Matrix

e) Functional
Answer: d
Question: In which type of organizational structure is power centralized and the type of environment best supported stable and certain?

a) Flat

b) Networked

c) Hierarchical

d) Matrix

e) Traditional
Answer: c
Question: In which type of organizational structure is power distributed, and the ideal environment flexible and adaptable?

a) Flat

b) Networked

c) Hierarchical

d) Matrix

e) Hybrid
Answer: b
Question: A networked organizational structure feels both like a_______ and a_______ organizational structure because it supports a rigid structure with well-connected communication networks.

a) matrix, flat

b) flat, hierarchical

c) hierarchical, hybrid

d) flat, networked

e) matrix, traditional
Answer: b
Question: When using information technologies to collect data for the purpose of monitoring workers, a manager should do all of the following EXCEPT:

a) Inform employees when and what is being monitored.

b) Consider the privacy rights of individuals.

c) Ensure monitoring is meaningful to the organization's mission.

d) Capture qualitative inputs in addition to quantitative data.

e) Require workers to complete additional tasks.
Answer: e
Question: At Zara, decision rights for ordering have been granted to whom?

a) Regional managers

b) Headquarters

c) Store managers

d) Central production

e) The commercial team
Answer: c
Question: Zara's store managers place orders that reflect their localized needs. However, order fulfillment is ultimately the responsibility of the commercial team in headquarters because:

a) Store managers have no real decision rights.

b) The commercial team does not trust the store managers.

c) Store managers do not have visibility into regional demands but the commercial team does.

d) The commercial team has more direct contact with the designers and production.

e) Store managers have no access to sales information for their store.
Answer: c
Question: All of the following help to develop informal networks that play an important role in an organization EXCEPT for:

a) Job rotation

b) Company softball team

c) Virtual communities

d) Performance reviews

e) Attendance at a conference
Answer: d
Question: The dimensions of national culture include all of the following EXCEPT:

a) The distribution of power in society

b) The extent to which society tolerates uncertainty

c) The acceptance of technology by society

d) The minimization of gender discrimination in society

e) The degree to which society engages in future-oriented behaviors
Answer: d
Question: Effective, cross-cultural communication in today's global and "flattened" world is:

a) Easy to achieve

b) Difficult to achieve

c) Of little consequence to the organizational strategy

d) Achieved by using the best available technologies

e) No longer an issue for managers
Answer: b
Question: The negative consequences of monitoring the discrete tasks an employee does include all of the following EXCEPT:

a) The worker is disconnected from the larger business process.

b) There is less of an opportunity for the worker to broaden his/her skills.

c) The worker feels empowered to make significant contributions to the business.

d) The personal freedoms of the worker may be intruded upon.

e) The privacy rights of an employee may be violated.
Answer: c
Question: Cognizant needed to reinvent its organizational structure many times to make sure that it properly facilitates the flow of information between employees.
Answer: true
Question: Different organization structures reflect the different organizational strategies that are used by firms to implement their business strategy.
Answer: true
Question: An organization feels hierarchical when IT is used primarily as a communication vehicle.
Answer: false
Question: A firm is usually a mix of different organizational structures, known as a hybrid structure.
Answer: true
Question: The use of performance data by managers is generally welcomed by workers and nonthreatening to workers when the data is used for compensation rather than to improve performance.
Answer: false
Question: National culture no longer predisposes workers to act in a certain way.
Answer: false
Question: Differences in organizational and national culture normally do not affect system development and use.
Answer: false
Question: If a technology is to be successfully implemented into an organization, either the technology must fit the organization's culture or the culture must be shaped to fit the behavioral requirements of the technology.
Answer: true
Question: The three components of the organizational strategy are organizational design, management control systems and _________.
Answer: organizational culture
Question: A ________ organization allows a firm to concentrate on both function and purpose.
Answer: matrix
Question: ________ reduces the operating complexity of a matrix organization.
Answer: IS
Question: IS makes it possible to evaluate performance by capturing current data in addition to analyzing historical data. Often managers are faced with an overwhelming volume of data and analyzing it becomes very time consuming, a situation known as ____________.
Answer: analysis paralysis
Question: A corporate culture is a firm's set of shared beliefs and ____.
Answer: values
Question: This term is used to describe a situation where technology enables individuals from all parts of the organization to reach and communicate with all other parts of the organization.
Answer: technological leveling
Question: Ideally, the person who has the most information about a decision and who is in the best position to understand the relevant issues is the person with __________ for the decision.
Answer: decision rights
Question: This IT-enabled network links individuals together, regardless of location, so that they may locate experts and get to know people.
Answer: social network