I Hate CBT's

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A Nondisplaced Fracture Is A Fracture Out Of Alignment.

Question: T
Answer: A nondisplaced fracture is a fracture out of alignment.
Question: T
Answer: A common sign or symptom of muscle disorders is weakness.
Question: F
Answer: Hypertrophy of muscle occurs if weakness persists for an extended period of time.
Question: T
Answer: Muscle disorders are often evaluated by an electromyogram
Question: F
Answer: A muscle biopsy is the least definitive means of determining the cause of a muscle disorder
Question: F
Answer: Osteoporosis is a rapid progressive disease that robs the skeletal bone of its mass and strength
Question: F
Answer: Fosamax is a treatment to reverse osteoporosis
Question: T
Answer: There is no known prevention for spinal deformities
Question: F
Answer: Skeletal muscle relaxants are used in the treatment of myasthenia gravis.
Question: T
Answer: The FDA has issued a new warning for Motrin, stating it may cause a severe allergic reaction that may include hives, asthma, and shock.
Question: F
Answer: Myochrysine is an antimalarial drug that is also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
Question: T
Answer: Positive response to skeletal muscle stimulants includes increased muscle strength and hand grasp
Question: T
Answer: An autoimmune response is a process by which the body's defense system attacks itself.
Question: T
Answer: Patients taking NSAIDs should be warned of the risk of GI bleeding
Question: F
Answer: Solganal, Ridaura, and Plaquenil are examples of gold preparations
Question: F
Answer: Women should be cautioned to avoid exercise during pregnancy.
Question: F
Answer: Osteomalacia is hardening of the bone.
Question: A
Answer: Common signs and symptoms of bone and joint disease include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Increased mobility
B. Decreased mobility
C. Pain
D. Swelling
Question: D.
Answer: Examinations used to diagnose disorders of the musculoskeletal system include:
A. computerized axial tomography.
B. magnetic resonance imaging.
C. X-rays.
D. all of the above.
Question: C
Answer: Blood tests that may be ordered to diagnose musculoskeletal diseases include:
A. iron.
B. cholesterol.
C. phosphorus.
D. hemoglobin
Question: D
Answer: Scoliosis is
A. a humped curvature of the thoracic spine.
B. an exaggerated anterior or inward curve of the lumbar spine.
C. also called swayback.
D. a lateral curvature of the back.
Question: D
Answer: Treatment of spinal deformities includes:
A. eliminating causative factors.
B. bracing.
C. spinal surgery.
D. all of the above
Question: D
Answer: Diagnosis of osteoporosis is confirmed by:
A. bone densitometry.
B. CAT scan.
D. all of the above
Question: D
Answer: Reduction of risk factors for osteoporosis includes:
A. decreased alcohol consumption.
B. no smoking.
C. decreased caffeine consumption.
D. all of the above
Question: A
Answer: All of these are risk factors for developing osteoporosis EXCEPT:
A. males who are less than 50 years of age.
B. lack of exercise
C. females.
D. a family history of osteoporosis
Question: C
Answer: Osteomalacia in children is called:
A. cretinism.
B. scurvy.
C. rickets
D. myxedema
Question: D
Answer: What of the following are factors for increased risk of developing osteoarthritis?
A. obesity.
B. being a female.
C. age.
D. all of the above.
Question: B
Answer: Treatment of osteoarthritis includes:
A. running 5 miles a day.
B. heat.
C. cold
D. taking Tylenol
Question: C
Answer: The primary joint affected in gout is the:
A. interphalangeal.
B. metacarpal.
C. metatarsophalangeal.
D. temporomandibular
Question: A
Answer: Treatment of gout typically includes:
A. Zyloprim.
B. a high protein diet.
C. a high-calcium diet.
D. increased exercise
Question: D
Answer: Symptoms of hallux valgus include:
A. pain.
B. redness.
C. swelling.
D. all of the above
Question: C
Answer: The best way to prevent injuries due to sports or exercise is to:
A. eat a full meal prior to beginning.
B. perform warm-up exercises.
C. build muscle strength gradually.
D. stretch to stimulate circulation
Question: D
Answer: To maintain aerobic fitness, one should exercise at his or her target heart range:
A. 5 times a week, 60 minutes at a time.
B. 7 days a week for 15 minutes at a time.
C. once week for 2 hours.
D. 3 times per week for 20-30 minutes at a time
Question: A
Answer: The first-aid treatment for minor musculoskeletal injuries is:
A. rest, ice, compression, elevation
B. stretching, ice, compression, elevation
C. rest, heat, compression, elevation
D. rest, ice, stretching, elevation
Question: B
Answer: All of the following are benefits of exercise except:
A. reduced risk of heart disease
B. slower reaction time in elderly
C. slowed progression of osteoporosis
D. reduction in blood cholesterol levels
Question: C
Answer: Approximately 50% of accidental deaths in the elderly are due to:
A. car accidents
B. drowning
C. falls
D. drug overdoses
Question: D
Answer: Normal changes that can predispose the elderly to falls are:
A. decreased reaction time and poor vision
B. polypharmacy and vertigo
C. loss of bone strength and flexibility
D. all of the above
Question: C
Answer: Glucocorticoids are contraindicated in all of the following except:
A. children under 2 years of age
B. patients with systemic fungal infections
C. patients with rheumatoid arthritis
D. patients with acute glomerulonephritis
Question: D
Answer: Prolonged use of which type of drugs may result in a cushingoid state, with symptoms such as moon face, hirsutism, and buffalo hump?
B. muscle relaxants
D. glucocorticoids
Question: B
Answer: The most serious complication from the use of hydroxychloroquine sulfate is:
A. vertigo
B. ocular toxicity
C. GI distress
D. skin reactions
Question: C
Answer: The generic name for Feldene is:
A. naproxen sodium
B. fenoprofen calcium
C. piroxicam
D. ketoprofen
Question: A
Answer: Patients taking Tylenol should be warned that consumption of at least _____ alcoholic beverages per day increases the risk of liver damage.
A. 3
B. 1
C. 12
D. 6
Question: C
Answer: Drugs that may influence the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, and are therefore recommended to limit irreversible joint damage, are called:
B. glucocorticoids
D. COX-2 inhibitors
Question: C
Answer: Cirrhosis, bone marrow depression, ulcerative stomatitis, and hepatotoxicity are potential adverse reactions to:
A. Lodine
B. Plaquenil
C. Rheumatrex
D. Ridaura
Question: A
Answer: Patients taking which drug should be told to increase their fluid intake to prevent the formation of kidney stones?
A. probenecid
B. colchicine
C. diazepam
D. ibuprofen
Question: C
Answer: The drug of choice for acute attacks of gout is:
A. Rheumatrex
B. probenecid
C. colchicine
D. allpurinol
Question: C
Answer: Skeletal muscle relaxants may be used in all of the following except:
A. diseases
B. sprains
C. arthritis
D. trauma
Question: A
Answer: Enbrel should not be used in which of the following patients?
A. those with active infections
B. those with rheumatoid arthritis
C. those taking methotrexate
D. those with psoriasis
Question: A
Answer: The causative organism of osteomyelitis is:
A. Streptococcus
B. Haemophilus influenzae
C. Staphylococcus aureus
D. Proteus
Question: A
Answer: Symptoms of osteomyelitis include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. leukopenia
B. high fever
C. tenderness over the affected bone
D. bateremia