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Enumerated Goods Definition

Question: 27 Half Way Covenant

Answer: it allowed partial membership rights to persons not yet converted into the Puritan church, it lessened the difference between the elect members from regular members


Question: 28 Conversion Experience

Answer: required of members of the Puritan Church; took the place of baptism required by the Catholic Church


Question: 29 Middle passage

Answer: the route in between the western ports of Africa to the Caribbean and southern U.S. that carried the slave trade


Question: 30 Triangular Trade System

Answer: exchange of goods/slaves between the colonies, England, Caribbean sugar planters, and Africa


Question: 31 Yeomen Farmers

Answer: a person who owned a small amount of land and worked it himself


Question: 32 Stono Rebellion

Answer: a 1739 uprising of slaves in South Carolina, leading to the tightening of laws


Question: 33 Mercantillism

Answer: England established the colonies to provide raw materials to them, the colonies receive manufactured goods in return.


Question: 34 Enumerated Goods

Answer: Certain specified goods from the Colonies, including tobacco, cotton, sugar, and furs, which were to be shipped only to England or other English colonies.


Question: 35 Navigation Acts

Answer: Laws that England put on the colonies to ensure that America would only trade with England. England profited tremendously from these laws.


Question: 36 Board of Trade

Answer: british overseer of all matters pertaining to colonial trade and laws.


Question: 37 Bacon's Rebellion

Answer: A rebellion lead by Nathaniel Bacon with backcountry farmers to attack Native Americans in an attempt to gain more land. Against Berkeley.


Question: 38 Glorious Revolution

Answer: Bloodless overthrow of King James II that ended the Dominion and established William and Mary as the new leaders.


Question: 39 King Phillips War

Answer: The last major Indian (wampanoag) effort to halt New Englander's encroachment on their lands led by Metacomet (king phillip)


Question: 40 Salem Witch Trials

Answer: The prosecution and execution of 20 women and men for witchcraft in Massachusetts in 1692.
