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Walmart Assessment Test Answers

1.Which of the following is a benefit of fast zoning for our customers and our associates?

Answer: All the answers are correct

2. How do we provide every day low price to our customers?

Answer: By do our part to maintain every day low cost

3. Which of the following can contribute to increased shrink?

Answer: Forgetting to check on BOB and LISA

4. Which of the following means being aware of your surrounding and what customers are doing?

Answer: Working with “eyes up”

5. Which of the following is the proper Order for effective communication?

Answer: Listen, think then speak

6. Whenever a rollback topper is on an item which of the following must also be present?

Answer: Was card

7. Which of the following is the second step of communication?

Answer: Think

8. Which of the following is the possible result of mislabeled merchandise?

Answer: Decreased shrink

9. Items at what level have the greatest chance to sell?

Answer: Eye level

10. Which is the recommended selling approach?

Answer: Trusted advisor

11. Ensuring everything on the shelf is in the right location is an example of..

Answer: Modular integrity

12. What should you do if your supervisor assigned a number of tasks for you to complete but your not sure if you have time to complete them.

Answer: Ask your supervisor which tasks you should do first

13. The item number on the case needs to match the item number on the_______?

Answer: Shelf

14. What is the most common request that a customer needs help with?

Answer: Locating an item

15. Which of the following is not influenced by modular integrity?

Answer: Unloading trucks

16. We need to make sure to match the _____ to the aisle and the section location?

Answer: Item number

17. What makes a customers shopping experience seamless?

Answer: Being able to shop when and where they want

18. Which of the following strategies grabs the customers attention while shopping and uses spacing to help sell products?

Answer: Placement strategy

19. Who is responsible for our customers a clean, fast, and friendly shopping experience?

Answer: Every Walmart associate

20. Approximately what percentage of shrink is caused by theft?

Answer: 30

21. What is the purpose of the associates in critical needs trust?

Answer: Offers grants the US associates facing hardships as a result of an unexpected crisis

22. How should you use the zoning tool?

Answer: Pull products to the front of the shelf

23. The aisle locator signs should match the aisle location on the ____?

Answer: Label

24. Which of the following is an example of owning your stores safety?

Answer: Removing an unattended ladder

25. Which locator sign do we determine where products go in the aisle?

Answer: Item number

26. One of your customers has just said to you, “This service here is horrible.” You should say:

Answer: “What is it about the service that you have not liked?”

27. A customer came to your department with an urgent question. You promised here that you would collect information about her question and answer it by noon. It will take you at least 20 minutes to gather the information needed to provide an answer. It is now 11:50 a.m. Your supervisor just scheduled a 30-minute meeting to start at noon This meeting is for all employees in your department. You decide to:

Answer: Ask your supervisor if you can be late for the meeting.

28. Terry, who has been an employee in your department for about six months, can be careless about safety. He hasn’t been involved in any serious accidents, but he’s had many near misses. Your supervisor asked you to introduce a new employee, Susan, so the

department and to help with her training. Terry overheard and offered to show Susan the safety procedures. Your supervisor thought that would be a great idea. What should you do?

Answer: Tell your supervisor that Terry has had many near misses and not much experience.

29. It’s been a very busy day, and you have just gotten a customer complaint. This is the third time today that this same customer has complained to an employee about the same problem. However, it’s the first time that you have spoken with her. You best course of action is to:

Answer: Apologize to the customer and ask if she would like to speak to a supervisor.

30. Each shift, you have to complete several task before leaving for the day. It is near the end of your shift and you probably will not have enough time to finish all of your assigned work before leaving. The best thing you can do is:

Answer: Explain the situation to your supervisor and ask for help


31. One of my coworkers frequently complains about the problem she has with a customer you decide to

Answer: Ask her if she would like to discuss the situation and try to find a solution together