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Animal Farm Test

Animal who has a dream containing the ideas of animalism- Represents Karl Marx

ANSWER : Old Major

The owner of the farm before the rebellion- Represents Czars

ANSWER : Mr. Jones

Bluebell, Jessie, Pincher- represents KGB


Boxer and Clover- represent the working class

ANSWER : Horses

The white goat- represents educated working class

ANSWER : Muriel

The oldest animal on the farm (donkey) and the worst tempered- represents the older generation that is 

critical of the new leadership in Russia

ANSWER : Benjamin

Stout motherly mare, has trouble remembering the commandments and suspects that the 

commandments are being changed

ANSWER : Clover

“As strong as almost two horses put together”- represents the working class in Russia

ANSWER : Boxer

The tame raven who preaches of “sugar candy mountain”- represents religion

ANSWER : Moses

Song that Old major teaches to the animals after his speech.

ANSWER : Beasts of England

The smartest type of animal


Leaders of the farm directly after the rebellion.

ANSWER : Snowball and Napoleon

Pig who is a great speaker- represents propaganda

ANSWER : Squealer

Anniversary of the rebellion.

ANSWER : Midsummer Eve

Had trouble giving up her ribbons

ANSWER : Mollie

Item of clothing that boxer gives up shortly after the rebellion

ANSWER : Straw Hat

Commandment #1: Whatever goes upon ______ is an enemy.

ANSWER : Two legs

Commandment #2: Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings is a _______.

ANSWER : Friend

Commandment #3: No animal shall wear _____.

ANSWER : Clothes

Commandment #4: No animal shall sleep in a _____. (original version of #4)


Commandment #5: No animal shall drink _____. (original version of #5)

ANSWER : Alcohol

Commandment #6: No animal shall ____ any other animal. (original version of #6)


Commandment #7: All animals are _____.

ANSWER : Equal

The first harvest after the rebellion was the most successful harvest the farm had ever seen (t/f).


Who repeatedly says, “I will work harder”

ANSWER : Boxer

Color of the animal farm flag.

ANSWER : Green

Two prints on the (original) animal farm flag.

ANSWER : Hoof and Horn

Group of young animal that Napoleon raises from youth directly after the rebellion.


Four legs ____. Two legs ____.

ANSWER : Good, Bad

Formed various committees on the farm to make the animals feel involved.

ANSWER : Snowball

The animal on the farm address each other as _____.

ANSWER : Comrades

It was agreed upon very early in the farm that the milk and the windfall apples be reserved for the _____ 



Sent to send the ideas of snowball and Napoleon to the other farms.

ANSWER : Pigeons

Owner of the Foxwood farm- represents England and the United States

ANSWER : Pilkington

Owner of the Pinchfield farm- represents Hitler

ANSWER : Frederick

Immediately after the rebellion the owners of the surrounding farms respected the animals and stopped 

calling the farm “Manor farm” and called it by the new name of “Animal Farm” (T/F)


The last attempt by Mr. Jones to take the farm back.

ANSWER : Battle of the Cowshed

Leader of the animal in the battle of the cowshed- represents Leon Trotsky

ANSWER : Snowball

After the battle of the cowshed it was decided that Jone’s gun would be fired twice a year. (T/F)


Animal who leaves the farm after ribbons and sugar cubes were found in her stall- represents the vain 

people of Russia (typically business owners and shopkeepers)

ANSWER : Mollie

Animals who had taken to bleating “Four legs good, two legs bad”.

ANSWER : Sheep

Whose idea was it to build a windmill to be used to heat the animals stalls?

ANSWER : Snowball

Who wanted the windmill to be used to mill corn?

ANSWER : Napoleon

Original supporter of the windmill

ANSWER : Snowball

Originally opposed the windmill

ANSWER : Napoleon

Chased off of the farm by the dogs and killed- represents Trotsky

ANSWER : Snowball

Ordered Snowball’s killing

ANSWER : Napoleon

Sent around the farm to do Napoleon’s dirty work (convincing the animal’s Napoleon’s ideas are good)

ANSWER : Squealer

After snowball’s expulsion Napoleon keeps on with the Sunday meetings (T/F)


Animals that follow around Napoleon to threaten the other animals


Who says, “Napoleon is always right”?

ANSWER : Boxer

Who stated, “The only good human is a dead human”?

ANSWER : Snowball

Napoleon tells the other animals that _____ is really a traitor and did not actually fight heroically in the battle of the cowshed.

ANSWER : Snowball

To build the windmill the animals got limestone from the ______.

ANSWER : Quarry

In addition to his regular work on the farm he added extra hour each day to working on the windmill.

ANSWER : Boxer

Man from Willingdon who helps Napoleon with business affairs

ANSWER : Mr. Whymper

Day of the week when Mr. Whymper visits the farm.

ANSWER : Monday

Commandment #4 is changed to: No animal shall sleep in a bed ______.

ANSWER : With Sheets

Napoleon says that the windmill was knocked over by none other than ______.

ANSWER : Snowball

One afternoon a bunch of animals tell Napoleon that they are in cahoots with snowball. He has them 

executed in front of all the other animals (T/F)


After Napoleon executed the “allies of snowball” he allows the animals to keep singing “Beasts of 

England”. (T/F)


Commandment #6 is changed to: No animal shall kill any other animal ______.

ANSWER : Without cause

In addition to his pack of dogs Napoleon starts walking around the farm being led by a _____ who acts as 

a trumpeter.

ANSWER : Black Cockrel

Napoleon sells the timber to ______.

ANSWER : Frederick

Frederick pays Napoleon for the timber in legit money. (T/F)


After the exchange with the timber Frederick and his men try to attack Animal Farm. (T/F)


When Frederick and his men attack Animal Farm they knock down the windmill. (T/F)


What really knocks down the windmill (the first time it falls)?

ANSWER : Storm

What is the battle called in which there is an attack by Fredrick’s men on Animal Farm.

ANSWER : Battle of the Windmill

Boxer in injured (in his hoof) in the Battle of the windmill but recovers. (T/F)


Commandment #5 is changed to: No animal shall drink alcohol ______.

ANSWER : In excess

The young piglets that are taught by Napoleon himself are given the privilege of wearing green ribbons 

on sundays. (T/F)


Sugar Candy Mountain (preached by Moses) represents ________.

ANSWER : Religion

Sends Boxer to the knacker after his lungs give out.

ANSWER : Napoleon

Name of the farm at the end of the book.

ANSWER : Manor Farm

What were the pigs doing at the end of the novella that was shocking?

ANSWER :Walking on two legs


1. Whose dream do the animals gather to hear?

  • Napoleon

  • Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, and Marx


  • The dream of revolution

2. What breaks up the first meeting that the animals have together?

  • Napoleon’s call for his attack dogs

  • Old Major’s death after his speech

  • The pigs sending everyone off to get ready for rebellion

  • Mr. Jones fires his shotgun(CORRECT ANSWER)(CORRECT ANSWER)

3. What is one idea that Beasts of England brings up?

  • all of the things the animals are controlled by will go away(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • kill all men

  • Bring Napoleon into power

  • bring Napoleon or Snowball into power

  • animals will go to Sugarcandy Mountain

4. What is Mollie most concerned about?

  • her food

  • ribbons and sugar(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • a warm stable

  • overthrowing Mr. Jones

5. What is Boxer’s first motto?

  • Four legs good.  Two legs bad.

  • All animals are comrades.

  • Tyrant man shall be overthrown.

  • I will work harder.(CORRECT ANSWER)

6. What is one of the first sly things that the pigs do to show a higher status before outwardly breaking commandments?

  • take the apples and milk for themselves(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • move into the farmhouse

  • kill animals who go against them

  • run Snowball off the farm

7. Which animal from the novel appears to be the most unchanged from the beginning to the end?

  • Napoleon

  • Snowball

  • Benjamin


8. What eventually happens to the flag on Animal Farm?

  • It’s permanently removed

  • It’s displayed daily on top of the farm house

  • The horn and hoof are removed(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • It’s replaced with the original flag used by Manor Farm.

9. Animal Farm is primarily an example of which satirical technique?

  • Inflation

  • Diminution(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • Juxtaposition

  • Fable

10. What part does Napoleon play in the Battle of the Cowshed?

  • he leads the ambush

  • he is wounded by Mr. Jones

  • he sides with Mr. Jones

  • his part is not mentioned(CORRECT ANSWER)

11. Who wins the Battle of the Cowshed?

  • Napoleon and Snowball

  • the animals(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • the humans

  • all of the beasts of England

12. Whose idea was the windmill?

  • Squealer

  • Napoleon

  • the pigs

  • Snowball(CORRECT ANSWER)

13. What is Napoleon’s new policy that he announces that deals with humans?

  • rewarding hard work with extra food brought in by humans

  • creating roles for animals to help with leading against the humans

  • trading with humans(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • allowing neighboring farmers to farm on their land

14. How is the windmill destroyed the first time?

  • Snowball

  • wind from a storm(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • it was too weak

  • Jones and his men wrecked it

15. The hens

  • rebel and are killed(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • rebel and leave the farm to go with Snowball

  • side with Napoleon because he will help them with their eggs

  • award Napoleon medals for helping them in their rebellion

16. Why is the song Beasts of England banished?

  • the animals are angry that they do not have all that it promised

  • the rebellion is over and it is not needed because all of the animals are all satisfied with the promises of the song

  • the song is a hopeful one that makes promises that were not kept and that is best to be not remembered(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • a better one was created called Animalism Achieved

17. How does Napoloeon’s status rise?

  • not seen as much in public and when he is it is always with a rooster and dogs

  • awards himself medals

  • referred to as “Father of all Animals or “Comrade Napoleon”

  • all of the above(CORRECT ANSWER)

18. The Battle of the Windmill

  • an easy battle because the animals are stronger to protect their farm

  • Snowball aligns with Frederick to take over the farm

  • the windmill is attacked by Frederick and destroyed(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • windmill is blown up by Mr. Jones

19. What happens to Boxer after he is hurt?

  • taken to be killed by the knacker(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • taken to be treated by the veterinarian

  • taken to live on the farm with Frederick

  • allowed to heal in the farmhouse with the pigs

20. Which is true with life on the farm at the end?

  • still hard work for animals, less rations for animals, Spontaneous Demonstrations

  • some success with farming due to the windmill

  • new pigs are born and given higher status

  • all of the above(CORRECT ANSWER)

21. What does Squealer do with the sheep at the end?

  • sells them off to Pilkington because they are traitors aligned with Snowball

  • kills them because they do not follow along

  • teaches them a new song to go along with another change(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • gives them a higher status because they always listen

22. Who does Napoleon meet with at the end when they gather on Animal Farm?

  • other pigs from neighboring farms who want to learn how to rule in the same way

  • Pilkington and other farmers(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • all the beasts of England

  • a rebellious group of animals against him

23. Mr. Jones

  • Stalin

  • Trotsky

  • Hitler

  • Czar Nicholas II(CORRECT ANSWER)

24. Squealer

  • truth teller

  • church

  • false propaganda(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • secondary ruler

25. Napoleon

  • Russian police force

  • Joseph Stalin(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • Leon Trotsky

  • Vladimir Lenin

26. The book ends with

  • Napoleon’s death

  • an animal rebellion where the animals defeat the pigs

  • a violent quarrel between Pilkington and Napoleon as well as the other farmers due to cheating in a card game(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • Pilkington and Napoleon agreeing to work together to spread Animalism

27. Old Major

  • Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • Joseph Stalin

  • Russian intellience

  • Russian war hero

28. Boxer

  • the church

  • working class(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • educated class

  • wealthy class

29. Mr. Frederick

  • the working class

  • Soviet Union

  • a kind neighboring farmer

  • Hitler/Germany(CORRECT ANSWER)

30. allegory

  • use of wit and humor to criticize or make fun of a group, institution, or society

  • double meaning – literal and symbolic(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • a story from long ago

  • a short story with a message

31. Beasts of England

  • a unifying song of rebellion(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • a song of keeping control and totalitarianism

  • the winners of Animal Farm

  • the horses, donkeys, and hens

32. All of the following are privileges granted to pigs at the end of the novel except:

  • other animals must yield to the pigs as they walk by

  • the pigs can wear ribbons on Sunday

  • beer is provided to each of the pigs, but no other animals

  • the piglets attend school at Pilkington’s farm at Foxwood(CORRECT ANSWER)

33. All of these statements best express major themes in the story except:

  • violence and terror are clear signs of oppression and tyranny

  • True love can be reached with acceptance and trust(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • Equality might be ideal, but it is never easy to reach

  • Questioning authority and those in power is justified.

34. If Animal Farm is considered a fable, what is the principal moral?

  • Absolute power corrupts absolutely(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • Slow and steady wins the race

  • Keep your friends close and your enemies closer

  • the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

35. In the novel, what is the final straw that finally motivates the animals to revolt and usurps Mr. Jones?

  • He forgets to feed them(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • He sells everything they produce to humans

  • He overworks them

  • He shoots at the barn with his shotgun in order to keep them quiet

36. What type of world does Snowball describe to the animals as he passionately advocates for the building of the windmill?

  • A dystopia


  • An egalitarian society

  • An autocratic society

37. What year did the Russian Revolution take place?

  • 1914

  • 1989


  • 1939

38. Allegorically, Mollie best represents:

  • Loyal capitalists(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • Loyal communists

  • Sympathetic socialists

  • Proponents of propaganda

39. The two animals who lead the farm to victory during the Battle of the Cowshed are:

  • Snowball and Napoleon

  • Snowball and Benjamin

  • Boxer and Napoleon

  • Boxer and Snowball(CORRECT ANSWER)

40. Who wrote Animal Farm?

  • Leon Trotsky

  • George Orwell(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • Sir Walter Scott

  • John Steinbeck

41. Animal Farm is based on events that took place in what country?

  • America

  • Zimbabwe


  • China

42. What term/phrase best describes Mr. Jones?

  • Awesome

  • Super Nice

  • On Point


43. Why don’t the pigs do any physical labor?

  • They’re clumsy

  • They do all of the “brain” work(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • They don’t have thumbs

  • They’re too busy with Snap Chat

44. The farm is most efficient in terms of production….

  • at the very end of the novel.(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • when Mr. Jones is in charge.

  • before Snowball is exiled.

  • in the winter.

45. Who do the dogs represent in Animal Farm?

  • KGB / Secret Police(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • the United States

  • FDR

  • The workers