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IDriveSafely Test Answers

1. Every vehicle operated on Texas roadways must be covered by _______ insurance through a company that is authorized to do business in Texas.

Answer: Liability

2. To help manage risk, it is essential that you _______ that can increase levels of risk.

Answer: Remain alert to conditions or objects

3. Slowing down or “rolling through” a stop sign is _____.

Answer: Against the law

4. About one out of every twenty drivers _____.

Answer: Is involved in a crash each year

5. Because the actions of other road users are _____, you can lower your risk if you adequately communicate to those around you. Always signal your intention to change lanes or turn.

Answer: Predictable

6. As a driver, you can lower your level of risk by ______.

Answer: Adjusting your speed, conducting visual searches, and signaling

7. When you drive, _____.

Answer: Risk is always present

8. Roads that function as expressways and divided highways have high speeds and greater risk of ______ crashes.

Answer: High-impact

9. It is illegal to drive in the United States without ________.

Answer: Having liability insurance for your vehicle

10. Your license may be suspended or revoked for ________.

Answer: All of these answers are correct

1. Driving at high speeds ____.

Answer: Increases the distance needed to stop your car

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why high speeds increase the risk of collision?

Answer: Your visibility is better when you drive faster

3. Scanning lows allows you to locate _____ before you hit them.

Answer: Potholes

4. New hand positions are encouraged on the steering wheel such as ____.

Answer: 8 & 4 o’clock

5. A ____ headlight lens can cut the amount of light it emits by 90%.

Answer: Dirty

6. Your natural tendency will be to concentrate on what is going on ahead of you, so you need to remember to check your mirrors _____.

Answer: Regularly

7. Position yourself with a clear line-of-sight so you can search the traffic environment about ____ seconds ahead.

Answer: 30

8. You can reduce your vehicle’s blind spot by ____.

Answer: Installing large side mirrors

9. Stiffness in the neck can make it difficult for drivers to ____.

Answer: Look behind

10. When driving at night and you encounter curves, what do you have to remember?

Answer: Most headlights point straight ahead, so don’t over-drive them

1. Stimulants can generate a _______.

Answer: False sense of well being

2. If you notice someone driving erratically, you should ___.

Answer: Let them pass you and give yourself plenty of space behind the impaired driver

3. The effects of alcohol are ______.

Answer: Unpredictable

4. If you are taking a prescribed drug and are going to drive, ____.

Answer: Conduct an inventory of all drugs consumed and their side effects

5. Intoxication Manslaughter is a Felony of the Second Degree, and it is punishable by a fine up to ____, imprisonment up to 10 years, and license suspension up to two years.

Answer: 10000

6. Cold medicines can _______.

Answer: Have side effects that slow your ability to think and react quickly

7. A first DWI offense is punishable by a fine, _____ for up to six months, and driver license suspension.

Answer: Confinement in jail

8. Once in the brain, alcohol affects your _______.

Answer: Reasoning, judgment, and concentration

9. When you combine alcohol with some drugs, the results can be ____.

Answer: Fatal

10. Under the Implied Consent Law, refusal to provide a specimen for a breath or blood alcohol test results in the ________ of your driving privilege.

Answer: Suspension

1. Most drivers make _____ driving errors for every 20 decisions they make while driving.

Answer: Two

2. While driving, if you need to use your cell phone, _____.

Answer: You should pull over to use the phone

3. Negative thoughts that occur while driving often surface in the form of _______.

Answer: Hostile verbal expression

4. Never drive when your body tells you _______.

Answer: It is tired

5. One way to control distractions is to ______.

Answer: Inventory the ones you can control

6. If you experience microsleep, _____.

Answer: Pull off the road at a safe place and nap

7. If you have to drive on a long trip, get plenty of rest before you leave and plan on stopping every _____ hours.

Answer: Two

8. Microsleeps last between ____ seconds.

Answer: Four to five

9. If you are driving in heavy traffic and you want to weave in and out of traffic to get ahead, it may be a result of _____.

Answer: Your competitive nature

10. The rhythm that regulates the body’s natural wake/sleep cycle is called ______.

Answer: The circadian rhythm

1. ______ diamond shaped or ______ signs alert drivers of construction zones.

Answer: Orange, rectangular

2. Motorcycles are extremely hard to see if they are _____.

Answer: Approaching from the side

3. Some bicyclists create unsafe situations by riding ______ for the traffic environment and weather conditions.

Answer: At excessive speeds

4. The most popular vehicle models in America today are ____.

Answer: Light trucks

5. It is illegal to follow an emergency vehicle at a distance of _____ or to stop within _____ of where an emergency vehicle is responding to an alarm.

Answer: 500 feet, One block

6. Do not use your horn directly behind a ____ or a horse rider on the side of the roadway.

Answer: Bicyclist

7. If a bicyclist is in your lane in front of you, ____.

Answer: Be patient and adjust your speed and position

8. Step vans (delivery trucks) and 15-passenger vans _____.

Answer: Have poor rearward vision

9. Use your _____ to communicate to others drivers that you are in trouble, there is trouble ahead, or when you are moving very slowly.

Answer: Emergency hazard lights

10. Reversible lanes are used during _____.

Answer: Rush hour

1. On the expressway, maintain a 3-4 second following distance. If the road is slippery or wet, adjust your distance to ____.

Answer: 6-8 seconds

2. All vehicles carrying passengers for hire, all buses carrying passengers and all vehicles carrying explosives or flammable liquids must always stop no closer than _____ and no farther than _______ from railroad tracks.

Answer: 15 feet, 50 feet

3. As you approach a steep uphill grade in the mountains, _____.

Answer: Shift to a lower gear

4. On cold days, to prevent moisture from forming on the inside of the glass, _______ before you turn on the defroster.

Answer: Turn the heater on high and let the engine warm up

5. If conditions are so bad that you cannot see the road ahead, _______.

Answer: Pull as far off the road as possible and turn on your emergency flashers

6. One-way streets have unique features including ____.

Answer: Lanes that are more narrow than regular-lanes

7. Prevent an expressway emergency by merging without _____.

Answer: Stopping

8. When driving on an expressway, select a lane that allows others to _____.

Answer: Pass you on the left

he speed limit, resist going the speed of the ______.

Answer: Fastest vehicles

10. While driving in the city, the busy urban environment can induce _____.

Answer: Visual overload

1. Place or secure large items and loose objects in the _____ for safety and to deter theft.

Answer: Trunk

2. Young children should be kept in rear-facing safety seats until they reach at least _______.

Answer: Two years old

3. If your brakes fail, one of the first things to do is ______.

Answer: Pump the brake pedal

4. A written report must be sent to the Texas Department of Public Safety within 10 days of a collision that:

Answer: Results in death, injury, or more than $1,000 damage to property

5. Many collisions become more serious when drivers ______.

Answer: Panic

6. To reduce injury in the event your airbag deploys, position your body at least ______ from the steering wheel.

Answer: 10 inches

7. Even if your vehicle has minimal damage from a collision, have the vehicle’s safety features _________.

Answer: Checked by a qualified technician

8. Locked doors are less likely to open in a crash, ________.

Answer: Decreasing the chance of the occupants being ejected

9. If you drive through water, your brakes may become slippery and ineffective. To dry the brakes off, ______.

Answer: Apply your brakes gently while accelerating at the same time

10. ________ skid occur when the brakes are applied so hard that the front or rear wheels lose traction.

Answer: Braking

1. Every 30,000 miles, _________.

Answer: Service the automatic transmission (if your car has one)

2. There have been improvements to ABS including _______.

Answer: An emergency assist feature

3. _________ transport a pet in the bed of an open pickup truck.

Answer: The Humane Society recommends that you not

4. Research shows that the combination of _______ and _______ can reduce the risk of death in a collision by up to 80%.

Answer: Front air bags, seat belts

5. One of the most important things you should do before you leave the lot with a rental car is _______.

Answer: Check the spare

6. Every 15,000 miles, ________.

Answer: Check the automatic transmission fluid

7. Make sure to _______ when performing minor vehicle maintenance on your own.

Answer: Reference your owner’s manual

8. The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards are written in terms of ________ safety performance requirements for motor vehicles.

Answer: Minimum

9. When stopped by police, you should _______.

Answer: Remain in your vehicle unless the officer states otherwise

10. One driving technique that could increase your fuel economy is to _______.

Answer: Avoid unnecessary idling