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Mastering Bio Circulatory And Respiratory122 Chapter 42

In which of the following animals are the blood and the interstitial fluid considered to be the same body fluid?

A grasshoppers

B fishes

C sparrows

D dogs

E jellyfish and cnidarians

Answer:  A

Arteries carry blood _____.

A away from capillaries

B away from the heart and away from the lungs

C to the heart and away from the lungs

D to the heart only

E away from the heart only

Answer:  E

Blood returns to the heart via the _____.

A aorta

B pulmonary arteries

C pulmonary veins

D aorta and pulmonary arteries

E aorta and pulmonary vein

Answer:  C

Pulmonary veins

carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium.

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the _____.

A right atrium

B left atrium

C aorta

D capillaries of the lungs

E posterior vena cava

Answer:  B

Blood enters the left atrium via

the pulmonary veins

From the anterior vena cava, blood flows to the _____.

A right atrium

B left atrium

C aorta

D capillaries of the lungs

E posterior vena cava

Answer:  A

Blood enters the right atrium from the

anterior and posterior venae cavae.

From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the _____.

A right atrium

B left atrium

C aorta

D capillaries of the lungs

E posterior vena cava

Answer:  E

Circulatory systems compensate for

A the problem of communication systems involving only the nervous system.

B temperature differences between the lungs and the active tissue.

C the need to cushion animals from trauma.

D the slow rate at which diffusion occurs over large distances.

E the need fetal organisms have for maintaining an optimal body temperature.

Answer:  D

Which of the following best describes an artery?

A Arteries contain valves.

B Arteries carry oxygenated blood.

C Arteries carry blood away from capillaries.

D Arteries carry blood away from the heart.

E Arteries have thin walls compared with veins.

Answer:  D

Both arteries and veins are defined by

the direction relative to the heart in which blood is transported.

Carbon dioxide enters the blood at the _____.

A capillaries of the lungs

B capillaries of the abdominal organs

C capillaries of the hind limbs

D capillaries of the head and forelimbs

E capillaries of the head, forelimbs, abdominal organs, and hind limbs

Answer:  E

oxygen content of the blood is the greatest at the

Answer:  aorta, left atrium, and pulmonary vein

the two places that oxygen leaves the blood are

Answer:  capillaries of the head, forelimbs, abdominal organs, and hind limbs

blood vessel walls are the thinnest

Answer:  at the capillaries

blood pressure

Answer:  The hydrostatic force that blood exerts against the wall of a vessel.

blood pressure is highest

Answer:  at the aorta

carbon dioxide leaves the blood

Answer:  at the capillaries of the left and right lung

where is the heart beat initiated?

Answer:  the right atrium

where does blood move the fastest?

Answer:  blood moves the fasted at the aorta

oxygen enters the blood at

Answer:  the capillaries of the left and right lung

where does blood move the slowest?

Answer:  in the capillaries (slow)

where is blood pressure the lowest?

Answer:  the anterior and posterior vena cava

The _____ has(have) the thinnest walls.

A aorta

B capillaries

C posterior vena cava

D pulmonary artery

E right ventricle

Answer:  B;The thin walls of the capillaries facilitate gas exchange

Most gas exchange with blood vessels occurs across the walls of the

Answer:  alveoli

double circulation

Answer:  A circulation scheme with separate pulmonary and systemic circuits, which ensures vigorous blood flow to all organs.

pulmonary vein

Answer:  one of the two veins that returns oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium


Answer:  the large artery that carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to branch arteries for distribution throughout the body

atrium (atria)

Answer:  a thin-walled chamber of the heart that receives blood from veins and pumps it to a neighboring chamber (the ventricle)

the right atrium receives

Answer:  oxygen-depleted blood through two veins called the inferior and superior venae cavae

vena cava

Answer:  one of the two large veins (inferior & superior) that return oxygen-depleted blood from the tissues of the body to the right atrium

the left atrium receives

Answer:  oxygenated blood through two veins called the pulmonary veins.

what are the only veins that carry oxygenated blood?

Answer:  the pulmonary veins (oxy)

the left ventricle has the

Answer:  thickest walls of the four chambers

what do valves (flaplike) prevent?

Answer:  blood from flowing backward into the chambers

pulmonary circulation (right atrium) serves

Answer:  the lungs

systemic circulation (left atrium) serves

Answer:  the body

oxygenated (red) blood

Answer:  is left atrium section

deoxygenated (blue) blood

Answer:  is right atrium section

cardiac cycle

Answer:  a sequence of relaxation and contraction consisting of one diastole and one systole from both the atria and ventricles


Answer:  the phase of the cardiac cycle during which the chambers of the heart relax and the ventricles dilate, allowing blood to flow in.


Answer:  the phase of the cardiac cycle during which the ventricles contract, pumping blood into the aorta and pulmonary artery

the only veins that carry oxygenated blood

Answer:  are pulmonary veins

the contraction phase

Answer:  produces the pressure required to move blood into the systemic and pulmonary circulations

the relaxation phase

Answer:  allows each chamber to refill before the next contraction

diastolic blood pressure

Answer:  blood pressure measured in the systematic arterial circulation just prior to ventricular contraction and ejection of blood into the aorta.

systolic blood pressure

Answer:  blood pressure measured in the systemic arterial circulation of ventricular contraction and ejection of blood into the aorta

What is the function of a circulatory system?

A It brings a transport liquid into close contact with all cells in the body.

B It is the site of blood cell production.

C It acts as a reservoir for the storage of blood.

D It exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide with the outside air.

Answer:  A; This transport liquid exchanges gases, nutrients, and wastes with the cells in the body.

Why do the circulatory systems of land vertebrates have separate circuits to the lungs and to the rest of the body?

A Blood is pumped to the lungs to be oxygenated before being pumped to the rest of the body.

B The circuits increase the amount of surface area available for the diffusion of gases and nutrients in the body.

C Land vertebrates are bigger and require more tubing to reach all areas of the body.

D The large decrease in blood pressure as blood moves through the lungs may prevent efficient circulation through the rest of the body.

Answer:  D; The changes in blood pressure as blood moves through the lungs of land-dwelling vertebrates make it necessary to have separate circuits to the lungs and the rest of the body.

True or false? The circulatory systems of land-dwelling vertebrates are composed of two pumping circuits: the systemic circulation, which is a lower-pressure circuit to the lung, and the pulmonary circulation, which is a higher-pressure circuit to the rest of the body

Answer:  False; The pulmonary circulation is the lower-pressure circuit to the lung, whereas the systemic 

circulation is the higher-pressure circuit to the rest of the body.

What is the function of the left ventricle?

A It receives deoxygenated blood from the lungs.

B It pumps oxygenated blood around the body via the systemic circulation.

C It receives oxygenated blood from the lungs.

D It pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs via the pulmonary circulation.

Answer:  B; The left ventricle receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the rest of the body.

Which of the following statements about blood circulation in the body is true?

A As the right ventricle contracts, it sends oxygenated blood through the aorta to all tissues of the body.

B Deoxygenated blood flowing through the pulmonary veins is carried to the right atrium.

C During one cardiac cycle, the two ventricles contract first, and then the two atria contract.

D Valves prevent the backflow of blood into the atria and ventricles.

Answer:  D; Valves are flaps of tissue that close when the ventricles contract to prevent the backflow of blood into the atria and also when the ventricles relax to prevent the backflow of blood from exiting vessels to the ventricles.

Which event occurs first during diastole?

A The atria contract while blood flows into the relaxed ventricles.

B The atria and ventricles are relaxed, and blood flows into the atria.

C The atria and ventricles contract simultaneously.

D Blood flows into the relaxed atria while the ventricles contract.

Answer:  B; Diastole is the relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle during which the chambers of the heart are relaxed and blood can enter them passively.

Which event of the cardiac cycle occurs when systolic blood pressure is measured?

A The ventricles contract, carrying blood into the aorta, and blood flows into the relaxed atria.

B The atria and ventricles contract simultaneously.

C The atria contract while blood flows into the relaxed ventricles.

D The atria and ventricles are relaxed, and blood flows into the atria.

Answer:  A;The systolic blood pressure is the peak blood pressure, resulting from contraction of the ventricles.

The semilunar valves of the mammalian heart

A prevent backflow of blood in the aorta and pulmonary arteries.

B are the route by which blood flows from the atria to the ventricles.

C are found only on the right side of the heart.

D are at the places where the anterior and posterior venae cavae empty into the heart.

E are the attachment site where the pulmonary veins empty into the heart.

Answer:  A

Which of the following develops the greatest pressure on the blood in the mammalian aorta?

A systole of the left ventricle

B diastole of the right atrium

C systole of the left atrium

D diastole of the left atrium

E diastole of the right ventricle

Answer:  A

Why does the velocity of blood slow greatly as blood flows from arterioles into capillaries?

A Because the narrow capillaries offer great resistance to blood flow.

B Because capillary beds have a total cross-sectional area much greater than the total cross-sectional area of the arterioles.

C Because capillary beds are the site of nutrient and oxygen delivery to tissues.

Answer:  B; Because the cross-sectional area is much greater in capillary beds than in the arteries or any other part of the circulatory system, there is a dramatic decrease in velocity from the arteries to the capillaries. Blood travels 500 times slower in the capillaries (about 0.1 cm/sec) than in the aorta (about 48 cm/sec). Read about blood flow velocity.

Stroke occurs when _____.

A a blood clot enters the cerebral circulation, blocking an artery and causing the death of brain tissue

B the pacemaker of the heart becomes defective, producing an irregular heartbeat

C a blood clot dislodges from a vein and moves into the lung, where it blocks a pulmonary artery

D a blood clot enters and blocks one of the coronary arteries

E the walls of an artery in the leg accumulate deposits and lose their flexibility and elasticity

Answer:  A; Once deprived of oxygen, brain cells begin to die within a few minutes. Because brain cells rarely divide in adulthood, they cannot be quickly replaced.

What will be the long-term effect of blocking the lymphatic vessels associated with a capillary bed?

A the area of the blockage becoming abnormally small

B the accumulation of more fluid in the interstitial areas

C fewer proteins leaking out of the blood to enter the interstitial fluid

D an increase in the blood pressure in the capillary bed

E more fluid entering the venous capillaries

Answer:  B

where do the paths of food and air cross?

Answer:  at the pharynx

the alveoli is the location of the respiratory surface

Answer:  where gases are actually exchanged

the bronchiole is

Answer:  one of the fine tubes that carries inhaled air to the alveoli

Voice sounds are produced by the _____.

A trachea

B diaphragm

C bronchioles

D larynx

E lungs

Answer:  D

The primary functions of the _____ are to warm, filter, and humidify air.

A lungs

B trachea

C bronchus

D nasal cavity

E alveoli

Answer:  D

Cells need _____ to obtain energy through cellular respiration, and to get rid of the waste product_____

Answer:  oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2)

when you inhale, your diaphragm and rib muscles contract _________ the volume of your lungs; when you exhale your muscles relax and _____ the volume of the lungs

Answer:  increasing; decrease

when the lungs expand

Answer:  air pressure in the lungs drops, causing air to flow into the lungs

oxygen diffuses from the

Answer:  alveolus to the blood

carbon dioxide diffuses from the

Answer:  blood to the alveolus

oxygen diffuses into a red blood cell and binds to hemoglobin

Answer:  a protein made up of four subunits; one oxygen molecule can bind to each sub unit

oxygen is used by a cells mitochindria

Answer:  to produce ATP during cellular respiration

carbon dioxide transportation options:

Answer:  enters red blood cells, binds to hemoglobin, or is converted to bicarbonate

IN THE LUNGS Oxygen diffuses

Answer:  from the alveoli to capillaries

IN THE LUNGS carbon dioxide diffuses

Answer:  from the capillaries into the alveoli.

Oxygen binding to hemoglobin:

Answer:  When one molecule of oxygen binds to one of hemoglobin’s four subunits, the other subunits 

change shape slightly, increasing their affinity for oxygen.

Oxygen release from hemoglobin:

Answer:  When four oxygen molecules are bound to hemoglobin’s subunits and one subunit releases its oxygen, the other three subunits change shape again. This causes them to release their oxygen more readily.

partial pressure of oxygen (PO2).

Answer:  This is a measure of the amount of oxygen present in a tissue

oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (O2 saturation).

Answer:  This is the percentage of oxygen-binding sites on hemoglobin molecules that are actually bound to oxygen.

____ in carbon dioxide in your red blood cells, which causes _____ in pH, causes your breathing to speed up.

A An increase … a rise

B A decrease … a drop

C A decrease … a rise

D An increase … a drop

E Actually, it is the rise and fall of oxygen, not carbon dioxide, that controls breathing.

Answer:  D; Water and carbon dioxide combine, in the presence of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (found inside red blood cells), to form carbonic acid, which dissociates to hydrogen ion and bicarbonate. 

The higher concentration of hydrogen ions leads to a drop in pH.

Large proteins such as albumin remain in capillaries rather than diffusing out, resulting in the

A loss of osmotic pressure in the capillaries.

B increased diffusion of CO2.

C increased diffusion of Hb.

D loss of fluid from capillaries.

e development of an osmotic pressure difference across capillary walls.

Answer:  E

osmotic pressure

Answer:  the pressure produced by the difference in solute concentration across a membrane

capillary has cells, surrounded by endothelial layer

Answer:  that allows net fluid movement out for small tissues


Answer:  The spontaneous tendency of a substance to move down its concentration gradient from a more concentrated to a less concentrated area.


Answer:  A microscopic blood vessel that penetrates the tissues and consists of a single layer of endothelial cells that allows exchange between the blood and interstitial fluid.

interstitial fluid

Answer:  The internal environment of vertebrates, consisting of the fluid filling the spaces between cells.

cellular respiration

Answer:  The most prevalent and efficient catabolic pathway for the production of ATP, in which oxygen is consumed as a reactant along with the organic fuel.

Most carbon dioxide is carried from the body tissues to the lungs _____.

A as bicarbonate ions (HCO3 -)

B combined with hemoglobin

C by the trachea

D as hydrogen ions (H+)

E dissolved in blood plasma

Answer:  A; Most carbon dioxide released from body tissues combines with water to form carbonic acid, 

which then breaks up into hydrogen and bicarbonate ions

By picking up hydrogen ions, hemoglobin prevents the blood from becoming too _____.

A, acidic

B basic

C thick

D low in oxygen concentration

E red

Answer:  A

In the blood most of the oxygen that will be used in cellular respiration is carried from the lungs to the body tissues _____.

A as bicarbonate ions (HCO3 -)

B combined with hemoglobin

C by the trachea

D water (H2O)

E dissolved in blood plasma

Answer:  B

In which of the following animals are the blood and the interstitial fluid considered to be the same body fluid?

Answer:  grasshoppers (insects)

Arteries carry blood _____.

Answer:  away from the heart only

Blood returns to the heart via the _____.

Answer:  pulmonary veins

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the _____.

Answer:  left atrium

From the anterior vena cava, blood flows to the _____.

Answer:  right atrium

From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the _____.

Answer:  posterior vena cava

Carbon dioxide enters the blood at the _____.

Answer:  capillaries of the head, forelimbs, abdominal organs, and hind limbs

The _____ has(have) the thinnest walls.

Answer:  capillaries

 The thin walls of the capillaries facilitate gas exchange.)

Blood pressure is highest in the _____.

Answer:  aorta

Blood returns to the heart via the _____.

Answer:  pulmonary veins

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the _____.

Answer:  left atrium

From the anterior vena cava, blood flows to the _____.

Answer:  right atrium

From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the _____.

Answer:  posterior vena cava

What is the function of a circulatory system?

Answer:  It brings a transport liquid into close contact with all cells in the body.

Why do the circulatory systems of land vertebrates have separate circuits to the lungs and to the rest of the body?

Answer:  The large decrease in blood pressure as blood moves through the lungs may prevent efficient circulation through the rest of the body.

True or false? The circulatory systems of land-dwelling vertebrates are composed of two pumping circuits: the systemic circulation, which is a lower-pressure circuit to the lung, and the pulmonary circulation, which is a higher-pressure circuit to the rest of the body.

Answer:  FALSE

What is the function of the left ventricle?

Answer:  It pumps oxygenated blood around the body via the systemic circulation.

Which of the following statements about blood circulation in the body is true?

Answer:  Valves prevent the backflow of blood into the atria and ventricles.

Which event occurs first during diastole?

Answer:  The atria and ventricles are relaxed, and blood flows into the atria.

Which event of the cardiac cycle occurs when systolic blood pressure is measured?

Answer:  The ventricles contract, carrying blood into the aorta, and blood flows into the relaxed atria.

Which of the following best describes an artery?

Answer:  Arteries carry blood away from the heart

Stroke occurs when _____.

Answer:  a blood clot enters the cerebral circulation, blocking an artery and causing the death of brain 


Voice sounds are produced by the _____.

Answer:  larynx

The primary functions of the _____ are to warm, filter, and humidify air.

Answer:  nasal cavity

_____ in carbon dioxide in your red blood cells, which causes _____ in pH, causes your breathing to 

speed up.

Answer:  An increase … a drop

The smallest airway through which inspired air passes before gas exchange occurs in the mammalian lungs is the _____.

Answer:  bronchiole

True or false? The lungs of humans form from the embryonic foregut.

Answer:  TRUE

True or false? The pressure inside the human chest cavity is always positive, so the lungs stay relatively inflated even upon exhalation.

Answer:  FALSE

Which lung structure is a tiny sac that functions as an interface between air and blood?

Answer:  alveolus

Which barrier(s) must O2 and CO2 cross to pass between air and blood inside lungs?

Answer:  capillary wall

extracellular fluid

Answer:  epithelial cells

True or false? The driving force for the unloading of oxygen from hemoglobin into tissues is the difference in PCO2 levels between the blood and body tissues.

Answer:  FALSE

How is most carbon dioxide transported from tissues to the lungs?

Answer:  As bicarbonate ions

Which of the following statements about the oxygen-hemoglobin interaction is true?

Answer:  The binding of one oxygen molecule to hemoglobin stimulates the binding of other oxygen molecules.

Most carbon dioxide is carried from the body tissues to the lungs _____

Answer:  as bicarbonate ions (HCO3 -)

By picking up hydrogen ions, hemoglobin prevents the blood from becoming too _____.

Answer:  acidic

In the blood most of the oxygen that will be used in cellular respiration is carried from the lungs to the body tissues _____.

Answer:  combined with hemoglobin

The amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin _____.

Answer:  increases in the presence of high concentrations of oxygen

Which of the following respiratory systems is not closely associated with a blood supply?

Answer:  the tracheal system of an insect

Blood returning to the mammalian heart in a pulmonary vein drains first into the

Answer:  left atrium.

Pulse is a direct measure of

Answer:  heart rate.

When you hold your breath, which of the following blood gas changes first leads to the urge to breathe?

Answer:  rising CO2

If a molecule of CO2 released into the blood in your left toe is exhaled from your nose, it must pass through all of the following except

Answer:  the pulmonary vein.

Which of the following reactions prevails in red blood cells traveling through alveolar capillaries? (Hb = hemoglobin)

Answer:  Hb + 4 O2 → Hb(O2)4

In which of the following animals are the blood and the interstitial fluid considered to be the same body fluid?

Answer:  grasshoppers