I Hate CBT's

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Reading Plus Answers Level M

What is the main idea

 A. Extreme sports involve a high level of inherent danger…

Choose the sentence in this excerpt that best summarizes its main idea

 A. Extreme sports are often based on traditional sports…

Based on this selection, what distinguishes extreme sports… 

A. They involve more uncontrollable environmental variables…

Based on this selection, an experienced extreme athlete would… in which two areas? 

A. Risk Management + Psychological composure…

Based on what you read, which extreme athlete has a connection… (Great Wall)… 

A. Danny Way…

Which sentence most strongly supports the author’s contention… 

A. Sarah Burke had been considered…

What do these two excerpts indicate about extreme sports… 

A. Media and marketing campaigns have transformed extreme sports…

Put these developments in the history of extreme sports in order, from earliest to most recent… 

A. *Hawaiian natives invent surfing. *Sir Edmund Hillary summits Mount Everest. *Four men bungee jump from a bridge in England. *The first X Games are held…

In this excerpt, Warren’s quote has a tone of…

 A. Candidness…

Based on what have you read, you can tell that Xpogo is… 

A. Similar to most extreme sports because it modifies a traditional sport…

What is the main idea of this selection? 

A. The Panama Canal is an extraordinary feat of engineering and construction that was built despite enormous obstacles…

Which of the following was the most significant hindrance in recruiting and retaining labor for construction in Panama? 

A. The prevalence of diseases in the region…

Which word best describes Ferdinand de Lesseps at the beginning of his Panama Canal project? 

A. Grandiose…

In which two ways did Ferdinand de Lesseps’ plan for a canal differ from the American plan?

 A. The Charges river would be diverted The mountain would be leveled to below sea level…

Why was Dr. Gorgas able to eradicate yellow fever? 

A. Researchers identified mosquitoes as carriers of the disease…

Why did the California gold rush trigger the need for a quicker route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans? 

A. Time-consuming and arduous…

Put these events in the construction of the Panama Canal in the order in which they occurred, starting with the earliest… 

A. The construction of a railroad The failure of the French canal project The eradication of yellow fever The completion of a manmade lake…

What was the author’s purpose in describing the difficulties in building the Panama railroad?

 A. To foreshadow what the canal builders would face…

Which of the following best expresses the lesson Ferdinand de Lesseps might draw from his Panama Canal experience? 

A. Appearances are deceiving…

Chooses the sentence in this excerpt that contains a figure of speech called a simile… 

A. The completion of the railroad energized the canal movement like a gust of wind to a wildfire…

What is the main idea of this selection? 

A. Forgery in its many forms…

Why was the West German magazine’s printing of…

 A. Journalists did not fulfill their ethical…

Which two features are utilized in Canada’s… 

A. Two lines of microtype, Hundreds of tiny moose hoofprints.

In what way has counterfeit money been used as a war tactic? 

A. To lower the value of the enemy’s currency.

Based on this selection, what are superdollars? 

A. Forged U.S. dollars that are nearly indistinguishable from real dollars.

Why were British counterfeiters in the…

 A. Because of their ability to push fake currency into circulation.

Place the following in the order in which…

a – Roman artists…

b – Albrecht Durer…

c – Rembrandt cemented…

d – An artist…

This excerpt makes the point that

 A. Photographs that appear even in reputable media outlets cannot be assumed to be authentic.

Which sentence reflects the view

 A. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Choose the sentence in this excerpt that explains how software companies can help prevent counterfeiting of money

A. In addition, software programs…