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Spanish Commands: Terms, QnA And Video

Podría, podrías, podría, podríamos, podríais, podrían

Answer:  Polite indirect commands

Third person of the singular of the present tense

Answer:  The singular form of the familiar affirmative command is the same as…

-es, -as, -as

Answer:  The negative of the singular form of the familiar command has the endings…

Dropping the final r and adding a d

Answer:  The plural form of the affirmative familiar command is formed by…

éis, áis, áis

Answer:  The negative form of the plural familiar command has the endings…

The conjugation of any verb in the first person singular in the present tense

Answer:  Polite commands of regular verbs are formed from…

vamos + infinitve, use the singular polite form of the verb + mos

Answer:  Two ways to form the indirect command

Use the indirect command, drop the s in mos, add the reflexive pronoun, and put an accent mark on the vowel of the infinitive ending

Answer:  Reflexive command (affirmative)

Di tú, no digas tú

Answer:  Singular familiar commands for decir (affirmative and negative)

Decid vosotros, no digáis vosotros

Answer:  Plural familiar commands for decir (affirmative and negative)

Haz tú, no hagas tú

Answer:  Singular familiar commands for hacer (affirmative and negative)

Haced vosotros, no hagáis vosotros

Answer:  Plural familiar commands for hacer (affirmative and negative)

Ve tú, no vayas tú

Answer:  Singular familiar commands for ir (affirmative and negative)

Id vosotros, no vayáis vosotros

Answer:  Plural familiar commands for ir (affirmative and negative)

Pon tú, no pongas tú

Answer:  Singular familiar commands for poner (affirmative and negative)

Poned vosotros, no pongáis vosotros

Answer:  Plural familiar commands for poner (affirmative and negative)

Sal tú, no salgas tú

Answer:  Singular familiar commands for salir (affirmative and negative)

Salid vosotros, no salgáis vosotros

Answer:  Plural familiar commands for salir (affirmative and negative)

Se tú, no seas tú

Answer:  Singular familiar commands for ser (affirmative and negative)

Sed vosotros, no seáis vosotros

Answer:  Plural familiar commands for ser (affirmative and negative)

Ten tú, no tengas tú

Answer:  Singular familiar commands for tener (affirmative and negative)

Tened vosotros, no tengáis vosotros

Answer:  Plural familiar commands for tener (affirmative and negative)

Val tú, no valgas tú

Answer:  Singular familiar commands for valer (affirmative and negative)

Valed vosotros, no valgáis vosotros

Answer:  Plural familiar commands for valer (affirmative and negative)

Ven tú, no vengas tú

Answer:  Singular familiar commands for venir (affirmative and negative)

Venid vosotros, no vengáis vosotros

Answer:  Plural familiar commands for venir (affirmative and negative)

Habla tú, no hables tú

Answer:  Singular familiar commands for hablar (affirmative and negative)

Hablad vosotros, no habléis vosotros

Answer:  Plural familiar commands for hablar (affirmative and negative)

Come tú, no comas tú

Answer:  Singular familiar commands for comer (affirmative and negative)

Comed vosotros, no comáis vosotros

Answer:  Plural familiar commands for comer (affirmative and negative)

Hable ud., hablen uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for hablar

Coma ud., coman uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for comer

Parta ud., partan uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for partir

Haga ud., hagan uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for hacer

Conduzca ud., conduzcan uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for conducir

Dé ud., den uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for dar

Vaya ud., vayan uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for ir

Sepa ud., sepan uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for saber

Esté ud., estén uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for estar

Sea ud., sean uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for ser

Duerma ud., duerman uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for dormir

Depsierte ud., despierten uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for despertar

Sirva ud., sirvan uds.

Answer:  Polite commands for servir