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A&P 1 Ch 01 HW

Using the anatomical terminology presented in this video, how would you describe the location of a bruise on the front right lower leg?

anterior, distal to knee

What directional term would be used to indicate sunburn on a patient's back?



Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Figure shows Posterior/Dorsal view.

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

What is the role of the serous membranes covering some organs?

to prevent friction between the organ and body cavity wall


What is the function of serous fluid?

It enables organs, such as the heart and the stomach, to slide across cavity walls and each other without friction.

Which of the following organs is least likely to be damaged in an automobile accident?

urinary bladder

The prefix ____ means across, beyond, or through.


The prefix ____ means abnormally small.


The prefix ____ means nature or physical.


The prefix _____ means middle.


The perfix ____ means under, beneath, or less than normal.


The study of the cells in gastric pits is an example of ____ anatomy.


The body region located beneath the stomach is the ______ region.


_____ is the study of the nature of the body and how it functions.


A body section that it cut across the body horizontally is a _____ section.


Parents bring a toddler to the emergency department after she tripped and fell on the sidewalk. You note a submental laceration. As you evaluate this girl, you are most concerned about trauma to which other anatomic region?


You have been asked to teach the principles of CPR to a group of teens training to be lifeguards. You use a diagram of the thoracic cavity to help you explain how cheat compressions can maintain circulation. Which view of the chest would best illustrate this point?


You go home for the holidays after your first semester of nursing school, and your grandma tells you that the doctor removed a nevus from her left scapular region. What procedure did she have done?

She had mole removed from her left should blade