At The Incident Scene Who Handles Media Inquiries
At the incident scene, who handles media inquiries? Public information officer.
Who has overall responsibility for managing the on-scene incident? Incident commander.
The Liaison Officer: Is the point of contact for other response organizations.
You are working in a complex incident. There are multiple incident commanders representing multiple jurisdictions working together to establish incident objectives. What type of ICS structure is being used? Unified Command.
After being deployed and arriving on scene at an incident, the first task for response personnel is to Check in and receive an assignment
You are implementing tactical activities to achieve the incident objectives. What is the correct title of the ICS organizational element to which you are assigned? Planning section.
You are a group supervisor working in a branch within the operations section, who is your immediate supervisor? Branch Director.
The difference between a strike team and a task force is: Strike teams have similar resources while task forces are comprised of mixed resources.
The major activities of the planning section include: Preparing and documenting incident action plans.
Command is: Directing, ordering, or controlling by virtue of explicit statutory regulatory, or delegated authority.
Which of the following organizational entities within the operations section may be used to divide an incident geographically? Divisions.
A deputy is the support position for all positions, EXCEPT: Public informations Officer.
If the incident commander designates personnel to provide public information, safety and liaison services, the personnel are collectively referred to as the: Command Staff.
Which section chief is responsible for ensuring that assigned incident personnel are fed and have communications, medical support and transportation as needed to meet the operational objectives? Logistics Section Chief.
Interoperability means: Communication equipment, procedures, and systems can operate together during a response.
Someone who serves as a director every day might not hold that title when deployed under an ICS structure: True.
Before leaving an incident assignment, you should complete all tasks, forms and reports. Brief replacements, subordinates and supervisors. Return all equipment and non-expendable supplies, but NOT: Self-dispatch to another incident.
In ICS, the members of the command staff assume the title of: Officer.
Span of control refers to: The number of individuals or resources that one supervisor can manage effectively during an incident.
Which ICS function records time accounting and procures needed items? Finance and Administration.
Check-in, initial briefing, record keeping and demobilization procedures are all necessary to ensure: Accountability.
The ICS is: Incident Command system, a standardized approach to incident management that is applicable for use in all hazards.
Which incident facility is the location where personnel and equipment are kept while waiting for tactical assignments? Staging Area.
The ability to communicate within ICS is absolutely critical. To ensure efficient, clear communication, ICS requires the use of: Common Terminoligy.
The operations section chief: Directs tactical actions to achieve the incident objectives