Entire Lines Of Josquins Ave Maria...Virgo Serena Are Repeated.
When studying vocal music, it is important to look at the text first. Composers often use the text to determine the musical form of a piece and to make decisions about how to convey its meaning.The text for this music is in Latin, the official language of the Roman Catholic Church during Josquin's time.What Latin word appears most often as the first word of a line? Ave
Entire lines of Josquin's Ave Maria...virgo serena are repeated.True/False False
A four-part choir sings this motet. Place the vocal ranges in the order in which they sing this excerpt. highestmiddlelowest
At the beginning of this motet, all four voice parts sing the same melody at the same time.True/False False
At the beginning of this motet, what best describes the relationship among the four voices (the texture)?The highest voice part sings the melody and the other three parts __________ it, entering at different times. imitate
What best describes the performing ensemble of this work? Correct:voicesIncorrect:instruments
Two voices (first group, 0:01) in this excerpt are followed by three voices (second group, 0:06).Listen to the range(s)0:14Match the vocal ranges with the corresponding groups below. First Group: high voicesSecond Group: low voices
"On the text ""Ave cujus conceptio,"" the performers sing in a more _______ texture." homorhythmic
Two __________ voice parts begin singing the melody at 0:01, after which, at 0:06, the __________ voice parts _________ them. highlowimitate
When the voices sing together the text:Ave cujus nativitasNostra fuit solemnitasin this excerpt, what best describes the texture?What's the text setting?0:17The voices sing in ____________. imitation
For the second half of this quatrain, which begins about 1 second into the excerpt, what best describes the texture?Ave cujus nativitasNostra fuit solemnitas,Ut lucifer lux oriens,Verum solem praeveniens. the sopranos introduce the melody and the other three voice groups imitate it, entering at different times
In the fourth quatrain, all four voice groups sing in a mostly homorhythmic texture.Ave vera virginitasImmaculata castitas,Cujus purificatioNostra fuit purgatio.True/False True
What best describes the text setting for the fourth quatrain?Ave vera virginitasImmaculata castitas,Cujus purificatioNostra fuit purgatio.fourth quatrain0:37The text is declaimed _______ as a result of the _________ texture. clearlyhomorhythmic
In the final couplet of Josquin's Ave Maria...virgo serena, all four voice parts sing the same rhythms at the same time.True/False True
"What is the overall texture of the final couplet of Josquin's Ave Maria . . . virgo serena? (Note that the ""Amen"" of religious texts is considered an add-on and not part of the main text.)O Mater Dei,Memento mei.Amen.It is completely:" homorhythmic
Ave Maria . . . virgo serena is a four-voice __________ that is sung _____________. The text praises _____________ and includes a personal petition at the end set in long notes and _________ texture. moteta cappellathe Virgin Maryhomorhythmic
Match the descriptive words or phrases with the different elements of music as found in Josquin's Ave Maria . . . virgo serena. Texture:polyphonic and homorhythmicText:rhymed strophic prayerMeter:mostly duple with one quatrain in triple
Which of the following statements correctly describe Josquin's Ave Maria . . . virgo serena? Correct:-it is a sacred motet-there is one strophe in triple meter-Josquin uses different voice groupingsIncorrect:-the texture is always polyphonic-it is in triple meter throughout-it is an Italian madrigal
Put the voice parts in the correct order in which they enter in imitation in the first couplet of Josquin's Ave Maria . . . virgo serena soprano=high female voice alto=middle female voice tenor=high male voice bass=low male voice sopranoaltotenorbass
The opening of Josquin's Ave Maria . . . virgo serena uses a melody drawn from chant.True/False True
Listen to the excerpts, then complete the sentence below.Ave vera virginitas . . .0:37O Mater Dei . . .0:40Josquin emphasizes the text that states important Roman Catholic beliefs by: using homorhythmic texture
Josquin's Ave Maria . . . virgo serena is a motet. Which of the following are main features of this work? Correct:-Latin text-text with a sacred subject-polyphonyIncorrect:-instrumental accompaniment