I Hate CBT's

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The Two Aspects Of Activity Level Are

Dizygotic twins: share the same amount of genetic material as any other pair of brothers or sisters

The concept of emotionality is most similar to the big five trait of: Neuroticism

According to the evolutionary perspective on sex differences in mating tendencies, women are most jealous of: Emotional infidelity

Whereas men are most jealous of: Sexual infidelity

How might one explain altruism from an evolutionary perspective? Inclusive fitness

Inclusive fitness: The passing on of genes through the survival of relatives

Reciprocal altruism: Helping others with the expectation the help will be returned

Adoption study: A study of resemblances between children and their adoptive and biological parents

Allele: Some version of a particular gene

Approach temperament: Temperamental tendency to avoid threats

Assortative mating: Mating based on choice of specific characteristcs rather than random

Avoidance temperament: Temperamental tendency to avoid threats

Behavioral genetics: The study of inheritance of behavioral qualities

Candidate gene strategy: Testing specific genes because evidence links them to particular biological processes and theory links those processes to personality

Concordance: Agreement on some characteristic between a twin and a co-twin

Directional selection: Evolution in which one extreme dimension is more adaptive than the other

Dizygotic (DZ) twins: Fraternal twins (overlapping genetically 50%, on average)

Ectomorphy: A tendency toward frail thinness

Endormporphy Tendency toward obestity

Effortful control: Tendency to be focused, restrained and planful

Epigenetic: An effect that is not on DNA but affects DNA functioning and can be inherited

Gene expression: Activity in which the gene engages in the processes that create a protein

Genetic similarity theory: The idea that people work toward reproducing genes similar to their own

Genome: The sequence of the gene contained in the full complement of chromosomes

Heritability: An estimate of how much variance of some characteristic is accounted for by inheritance

Mesomorphy: A tendency toward muscularity

Monozygotic (MZ) twins: Identical twins (overlapping genetically 100%)

Nonshared enviorment effect: Effect of the enviorment that makes twins differ

Hippocrated proposed....personality types: 4

When twins have no more in common than other siblings, they are said to be....twins: Dizygotic

Twin studies are based on the assumption that: both identical and fraternal twins raised together are exposed to much the same lifeexperiences.

If dizygotic twins think they are monozygotic twins: They are less resentful of their siblings

In an adoption study, resemblances are measured between the adopted child and: Both biological parent and adoptive parent

If heredity is REALLY important, then: identical twins raised apart should be nearly as similar as identical twins raised together.

A recent developmental approach to understanding temperaments suggests which of these? Approach, avoidance, effortful control

When researchers examine whether the five basic factors of personality are genetically influenced, they have found: Self-report evidence suggest that they are but observer reports are inconcluisve

Neuroticism is highly similar to the temperaments of Emotionality and avoidance

According to Eysenck, the big-five trait of extraversion may be a blend of which of the following temperaments? Activity and sociability

The environment tends to affect twins: By making them more different

Methylation: -Affects gene expression-Can be affected by stress-Can be affected by diet

When different patterns of genetic differences can occur at a particular location, they are called: Alleles

The attempt to relate differences in gene locations with other differences in persons is called: Molecular genetics.

There is evidence that higher levels of disease prevalence in a given environment is associated with: Less openness to experience

Sociobiologists explain altruism by invoking the concept of: Inclusive fitness

Both men and women view the following qualities as necessities in a potential mate: Intelligence and kindness

Men tend to _________ cues from potential mates in terms of implying sexual interest; women tend to _________ cues from potential mates in terms of commitment levels. Underinterpret, overinterpret

The current sociobiological view is that aggression: Results from sexual selection pressures

The interaction between genetic susceptibility for schizophrenia and an environmental context that touches it off resembles the _________ model. Diathesis-stress

The majority of behavioral genetics research on problem behavior has focused on: Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

In discussing physical makeup, psychologists early in the last century meant physique whereas now they mean genetics. True

Hippocrates proposed that there were 12 different personality types. False

Behavioral genetics is the study of genetic influences on behavioral expression. True

Behavioral genetics examines genetic influences on behavior but not personality. False

Identical twins are the result of two eggs being fertilized at the same time. False

Monozygotic twins are 100% alike genetically. True

Identical twins are known as dizygotic twins. False

Opposite-sex twins are, by definition, dizygotic. True

Genetically, dizygotic twins are like any other pair of brothers, pair of sisters, or brother and sister. True

If two eggs are released from the mother's ovary and both are fertilized and develop simultaneously, the result is monozygotic twins. False

Emotionality is the tendency to become aroused easily. True

Activity level consists of two aspects, vigor and tempo. True

Research has found that parent ratings of the temperaments were strongly correlated for both monozygotic and dizygotic twins. False

There's not much evidence for the heritability of personality factors in general. False

Eysenck has suggested that extraversion may be a blend of sociability and activity. True

Risk of divorce is related to heredity. True

According to sociobiologists, inclusive fitness explains why human beings are altruistic. True

Evolutionary psychology has been criticized for some of its political and social implications. True

Sociobiology has been criticized for not having enough theory to explain relevant data. False

Eysenck has found high concordance rates in identical twins for alcoholism. True

Research has identified a particular gene that is associated with alcohol cravings after consuming a small amount. True