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What Factors Have Shaped Mexicos Population Patterns

why is the Mexican plateau considered the heartland of Mexico? it is the major grain producer and the bread basket

how has the geography of Mexico affected the way people use the land? land supports agriculture. population density is greater near agriculture.

why does Mexico have fewer major rivers and natural lakes? vertical climate zones create a dry climate.

what is the importance of the rio del Norte to Mexico? it makes up part of the border between Mexico and the United States.

how does climate affect human activities in Mexico? people work in a climate that supports there job. agricultural jobs are often supported.

how do vertical climate zones affect the economic activity of the southern highlands? temperate or mild climate encourages agriculture.

what influenced Mexico's political and social structures? "caudillos, independence from Spain in 1821. they are now a ""democracy"" but they only have one political party so it appears to be an autocracy."

caudillo military dictator

why do drug cartels have such a powerful influence on Mexico? the 2 point plan (violence and bribes/wealth)

what factors have shaped Mexico's population patterns? missions, military presidios, and large haciendas.

how did Spanish landowners take advantage of the indigenous people? payed them very little. it was hard to become independent from the haciendas.

how does Mexican society and culture reflect the country's colonial past? Spanish speaking, Roman Catholic, multiple generations in one home, make dominated (patriarchal).

how does the art of Diego Rivera reflect Mexico's cultural heritage? depicted real problems and events that occurred (peasants, poor farmers), frescoes, painted on museums and government and civic buildings.

frescos outdoors, on stucco.

how has Mexico's place for n the global economy changed over time? they are struggling to create an equal economy for the rich and poor.

what factors contribute to Mexico's higher standard of living compared to other Latin American countries? outsourcing.

why are Mexico's resources in jeopardy? growing population demands more resources, deforestation, don't know environmental consequences.

describe how large-scale urbanization has affected Mexico City? land subsidence, pollution.

how do human activities impact Mexico's environment? it is hard to develop which cause pollution.

what are the consequences of air pollution in an urban environment? Carbon emissions chase a haze (smog).

how are government officials in Mexico addressing environmental issues? border 2020, REDD+

describe two steps taken by the Mexican government to address pollution and resource management? close all major roads on Sunday's, bicycle membership.

isthmus a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas.

archipelago a group or chain of islands.

biodiversity biological diversity in an environment as indicated by numbers of different species of plants and animals.

why are the majority of Central America's people concentrated in the central highlands? fertile soil due to volcanoes.

what factors attracted people to settle in the highlands? cool climate, adequate rainfall, and rich natural resources.

how are Central American rivers and lakes important to the human systems of the are? hydroelectric power created by dams, food.

describe the importance of the Panama Canal to international trade. ships can travel between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

how does its location in the tropics affect the climate of Central America and the Caribbean? higher temperatures, abundant rainfall, warm humid air.

how is the climate of Central America different from that of the Caribbean islands? Central America is closer to the equator so it's warmer. the higher altitude creates Tierra caliente (hot land).

population pressure the sum of factors within a population that reduce the ability of an environment to support the population, therefore resulting in migration or population decline.

dialect local form of a language used in a particular place or by a certain group.

patois a dialect used in everyday speech that blends elements of several languages.

matriarchal a family ruled by a woman.

latifundia in Latin America, large agricultural estates owned by families or corporations.

minifundia in Latin America, small farms that produce food chiefly for family use.

cottage industry a business that employs workers in their homes.

ecotourism the practice and business of recreational travel based on concern for the environment.

how did colonialism influence the history and government of Central America and the Caribbean? indigenous people lived in remote areas so Spanish could not read them. starvation and disease wiped out the Spanish population.

what role did Haiti play in the movement for independence from European control in the region? movement for independence inspired others to follow.

how have migration and rapid growth affected the population? migration to the region until 1900, now there is lots of migration from the region.

why have countries in Central America and the Caribbean experienced a dramatic increase in migration to cities? 79% in cities causes population pressure.

how have the traditions and beliefs of indigenous peoples, Africans, and Europeans shaped society and culture? most are bilingual, Santarea (mid of voodoo and Catholicism), matriarchal society.

what dance and music styles are found? rumba, salsa, merengue, and Latin Jazz.

what economic factors have helped maintain an unequal distribution of wealth? agricultural jobs, latifundia and minifundia make little money.

what new industries are contributing to the Caribbean economy? ecotourism and cottage industry.