Youve Just Finished Cooking A Large Batch Of Sauce

Why is it common practice to cover food when cooking it in a microwave? Make sure it does not dry out.

TCS food for hot-holding must be reheated to an internal temperature of __________. 165°F (74°C) for 15 seconds.

What is the maximum amount of time food should be partially cooked if it is going to be finished cooking at a later time? 60 mins

How long should microwaved food stand before being served to ensure the temperature has evened out? at least 2 mins

Which group does the FDA specifically recommend should not be served any kind of raw or undercooked meat, seafood, or eggs? children

Which food item needs to be cooked at the highest temperature in order to be safe? ground duck

What is the major factor that determines how slowly a food cools? How dense or thick the food product is

what process should be followed when using a microwave to thaw food? Cook food immediately after thawing

The chef wants to serve tiramisu for lunch at a nursing home. To make the product safer, the operation should use pasteurized eggs.

Which step should be done immediately after partially cooking meat, seafood, poultry, or eggs for later service? Cool the food correctly.

it is never acceptable to thaw food __________. at room temperature

What is the longest amount of time a food handler can take to cool food from 135°F (57°C) to 41°F (5°C) and have it remain safe? 6 hours

What is an essential step in the process of slacking frozen food? What is an essential step in the process of slacking frozen food?

A food handler has just finished prepping raw meat that will not be cooked immediately. What should be done with the product? Store it in the refrigerator immediately

The operation made a large batch of beef stew that now needs to be stored for use tomorrow. The best method to cool the stew is to divide into small pans

What cooling technique shoots cold air across food at high speeds? blast chiller

After initially cooking partially cooked food, what is the next step? After initially cooking partially cooked food, what is the next step?

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for poultry? 165°F (74°C) for 15 seconds

If a restaurant serves a Caesar salad with fresh dressing made with a raw egg, the restaurant must provide customers with a notification of the menu

Eggs are considered to be a TCS food because they are able to support the growth of pathogens.

If food is being reheated for immediate service to a customer, it may be served at any temperature as long as it __________. was cooked and cooled correctly first

Leftover TCS food should be thrown out if it has been in a cooler for more than __________. 7 days

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for mechanically tenderized meat? 155°F (68°C) for 15 seconds

The chef in the operation decides that preparing fresh orange juice and packaging it to sell will increase sales. In order to sell it, she must obtain a variance or a warning label

What process should be followed when using a microwave to thaw food? Cook food immediately after thawing

When raw or undercooked food is included on a menu, where must that information be noted? In a notice on the menu

A variance is required if your operation is growing bean sprouts.

Reheat commercially processed and packaged food to an internal temperature of at least _________ 135°F (57°C)

cooled correctly? Tuna was cooked to temperature, and then put in the blast chiller to cool down for tuna salad. It took three hours to reach 70°F(21°C) and another two hours to reach 41°F (5°C). no

cooled correctly? Chicken breasts were grilled to 165°F (74°C) internal temperature and allowed to cool to 135°F (57°C). The chicken was then, then left to cool at room temperature (75°F (24°C)) for three hours, then cooled to 41°F (5°C))during the next three hours no

cooled correctly? A stockpot of soup was cooked to temperature, intentionally using less liquid than required. Ice was then added after cooking to cool the food and provide the remaining water. It took two hours to cool from 135°F (57°C) to 70° (21°C),and then it was put in the cooler for four hours to reach 41° (5°C). yes

cooled correctly? Marinara sauce was cooled from 135°F (57°C) to 70° (21°C) by stirring with an ice paddle for one hour, then put in the cooler for three hours to cool to 41°F (5°C). yes

cooled correctly? Beef stew was cooked to temperature, and then put in the walk-in cooler. In two hours the temperature was 85°F (29°C).Four hours later it was 41°F (5°C). no

proper minimum internal cooking temperature and time with each food item: 1. Seared pork chop145°F (63°C), 15 sec.2. Roast duck165°F (74°C), 15 sec.3. Roast leg of lamb145°F (63°C), 4 min.4. Scrambled eggs to be served immediately to a guest145°F (63°C), 15 sec.5. Ostrich cutlets155°F (68°C), 15 sec.6. Roasted pork loin 145°F (63°C), 4 min.7. Baked beans135°F (57°C), holding8. Rice pilaf135°F (57°C), holding9. Shrimp scampi145°F (63°C), 15 sec.10. Scrambled eggs to be held hot for a banquet155°F (68°C), 15 sec.11. Grilled zucchini135°F (57°C), holding12. Ground tuna burger155°F (68°C), 15 sec.13. Beef pot roast145°F (63°C), 4 min.14. Farm-raised venison145°F (63°C), 15 sec.15. Ravioli165°F (74°C), 15 sec.16. Oyster stuffing165°F (74°C), 15 sec.17. Grilled chicken breast165°F (74°C), 15 sec.

T or F:Never use hot holding equipment to reheat food. true

T or F: You can hold hot food without temperature control up to four hours if you hold it at 125°F (52°C) before removing it from temperature control. false

T or F: Hold cold food at 45°F(7°C) or lower before removing it from refrigeration. false

T or F: If you check hot held food within two hours and the temperature is below 135° (57°C), you can take corrective action and reheat it to temperature and place it back in the hot holding unit. true

T or F: Cold food should be sold, served, or thrown out within 6 hours of being taken from refrigeration at 41°F (5°C) or lower. true

T or F: Never reserve bottled condiments in their original containers. false

These need a minimum internal temp of 175°F (80°C): -Automatic iced tea and automatic coffee machine equipment: Tea leaves should remain in contact with the water for a minimum of one minute.-Traditional steeping method: Tea leaves should be exposed to the water for about five minutes.

Produce that has been treated with _______ should not be served to customers. sulfites

Sometimes food can be restored to a safe condition. The process of __________ can be used to do this. reconditioning

T or F: Freezing food kills pathogens. false

The _____ of battered and breaded food acts as an insulator that can prevent food from being thoroughly cooked. coating

______are eggs are eggs that are cracked open and combine in a common container. pooled

In rare cases, the bacteria ________ can be found inside shell eggs. salmonella enteritidis

Operations that serve high-risk populations, such as ______, must take special care when using eggs. hospitals

Which of the following statements are true? 1, Ice must be made from water that is safe to drink2,Cut melons, cut tomatoes, and cut leafy greens are considered to be TCS food.3,If your operation primarily serves high-risk populations, do not serve raw seed sprouts.4, If you package fresh fruit and vegetable juice in-house for later sale, treat the juice according to an approved HACCP plan.

T or F: Untreated eggs are not considered TCS food. false

T or F: The only way to reduce pathogens in food to safe levels is to cook it to its minimum internal temperature and hold that temperature for a specific amount of time. true

T or F: Cooking can reduce pathogens in food to safe levels, and it will destroy spores or toxins they may have produced. false

T or F: A six pound beef roast needs a minimum internal temperature of at least 130°F (54°C) for 112 minutes to reduce pathogens in food to safe levels. true

______ cooking equipment may lower the equipment or oil temperature and the food might not cook fully. overloading

Meat, seafood, poultry, and eggs that you cook in a microwave oven must be cooked to ________ 165°F (74°C)

Which of the following are true? 1,You must advise customers who order raw or undercooked food of the increased risk of foodborne illness.2, You must also cook TCS food required minimum internal temperatures unless you inform customers that an item is raw or undercooked.3, Operations that mainly serve a high-risk population, such as nursing homes or day-care centers, cannot serve raw or undercooked eggs, meat, or seafood. 4, Examples include over-easy eggs, raw oysters, and rare hamburgers. Raw seed sprouts also should not be served in these operations.

After partially cooking poultry, what is the next step that must be taken? Cool the food to 41°F (5°C) or lower

If you plan to partially cook TCS food, do not cook it for longer than _______ minutes. 60

In two-stage cooling, total cooling time cannot be more than _____ hours. 6

Which of the following statements is true? 1, If food that is being cooled has not reached 70°F (21°C) within two hours, it must be reheated and then cooled again.2, Stainless steel transfers heat away from food faster than plastic.3,Large food items cool more slowly than smaller items.4, Most coolers are not designed to cool large amounts of hot food quickly.5,Blast chillers blast cold air across food at high speeds to remove heat

You must reheat TCS food for hot-holding to an internal temperature of ______ seconds 165°F for 15 seconds

T or F: Commercially processed cheese sticks should be reheated to an internal temperature of at least 135°F (57°C). true

A food handler pulled a hotel pan of tuna salad from the cooler and used it to prepare six tuna salad sandwiches. What is the problem with this​ situation? Time-temperature abuse

What is the maximum water temperature allowed when thawing food under running​ water? 70degrees°F ​(21degrees°​C)

What must food handlers do to food immediately after thawing it in the microwave​ oven? Cook it.

A food handler thaws several frozen turkeys on a prep table. What is the danger that this poses to the​ food? Time-temperature abuse

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for stuffed pork​ chops? 165degrees°F ​(74degrees°​C)

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for​ eggs, meat,​ poultry, and seafood cooked in a microwave​ oven? 165degrees°F ​(74degrees°​C)

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for eggs that will be​ hot-held for​ service? 155degrees°F ​(68degrees°​C) for 15 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for ground​ beef? 155degreesF ​(68degrees​C) for 15 seconds

A food handler can cool a stockpot of clam chowder by placing it into a sink of ice water

What temperature must TCS food be reheated to if it will be​ hot-held? 165degrees°F ​(74degrees°​C) for 15 seconds

Which of these food items would be acceptable to serve a​ high-risk population? (grilled chicken, raw bean sprouts, over easy eggs, rare hamburger) grilled chicken

What kind of raw food has the highest risk of being contaminated by Shiga​ toxin-producing E. coli​ O145:H7? (eggs, poultry, ground beef, seafood) ground beef

The total cooling time for food to get from 135degreesF ​(57degrees​C) to 70degreesF ​(21degrees​C) should not exceed 2 hours

Previously cooked TCS food that has been reheated for​ hot-holding must be heated to what internal temperature for 15​ seconds? 165°F (74°C)

According to the regulatory​ authority, what must be done with food items that have been partially​ cooked? Marked to indicate additional cooking needed

Which food item needs to be cooked at the highest temperature in order to be​ safe? ground duck

How can heat be better distributed during microwave​ cooking? By stirring the food halfway through the cooking process

What is the main purpose of trying to quickly cool heated​ food? To move it through the temperature danger zone before pathogens grow

After thawing food as part of the cooking​ process, what should be done before serving​ it? Verify the final internal cooking temperature with a thermometer.

which is a guideline to follow to keep food safe when preparing chicken​ salads? Chill all ingredients before making the chicken salad.

How should partially cooked food be cooked again before serving​ it? Heat the food to its required minimum internal temperature before selling or serving.

When taking the temperature of TCS food with a bimetallic stem​ thermometer, how long should the internal temperature hold in order for the read to be​ accurate? 15 seconds

What is the best way to check to make sure food cooked in a microwave is thoroughly​ cooked? Check the temperature in at least two places.

Reheat commercially processed and packaged food to an internal temperature of at least 135degreesF ​(57degrees​C).

what process should be followed when using a microwave to thaw​ food? Cook food immediately after thawing.

Additives may NOT be used to alter the appearance of food.

When reheating TCS food for​ hot-holding, how long must it hold an internal temperature of 165degreesF ​(74degrees​C)? 15 seconds

t or f: Cooking can reduce pathogens in​ food, but will not destroy spores or toxins they may have produced. true

What is the definition of the word slacking​? Slacking is the process of gradually thawing frozen food in preparation for deep frying.

Which type of cooling method pushes cold air across food at high speeds to remove​ heat? blast chiller

Where is the best place to cool a large pot of corn​ chowder? In an​ ice-water bath

to what temperature should commercially processed and packaged​ ready-to-eat food such as​ deep-fried vegetables be​ reheated? Reheat commercially processed and packaged​ ready-to-eat food to an internal temperature of 135 degrees F ​(57degrees​C).

How should an operation notify its customers that it serves menu items with raw or undercooked TCS​ food? Note it next to those items on the menu.

In the partial cooking​ process, what is the maximum amount of time that food should be cooked during initial​ cooking? 60 mins

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for ground meat or​ seafood? 155 degrees F for 15 seconds

When thawing food under running​ water, what is the maximum allowable temperature of the water​? 70degreesF ​(21degrees​C)

Which is the correct way to handle TCS food in a microwave​ oven? Stir it halfway through the cooking process to disperse heat evenly.

To what temperature should​ meat, seafood,​ poultry, and eggs be cooked in a microwave​ oven? The minimum internal cooking temperature for meat, seafood, poultry, and eggs in a microwave is 165 degress F.

What must you make sure has been done when reheating food to be served​ immediately? You must make sure the food reaches 165 degrees F for 15 seconds within 2 hours from start to finish when reheating food to be served​ immediately.

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