I Hate CBT's

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10 Persuasive Tactics

Question: Repetition

Answer: Make point in several different ways

Use examples from stories or quotes

Question: Reasons why

Answer: Power of the word because

Simply give reason why

Question: Consistency

Answer: Integrity and rational behavior

Get writer to agree and make case with supporting evidence

Question: Social proof

Answer: Guidance form others

Testimonials, outside referrals, driving drive behind social media

Question: Comparisons

Answer: Metaphors, similes, analogies

Apples to oranges

Question: Agitate and solve

Answer: Identify problem and qualify audience

Agitate readers pain before offering solution


Feel pain

Question: Prognosticate

Answer: Glimpse into future

Future outcomes

Back up

Question: Go tribal

Answer: Give them a chance to be a part of a group they want to be in

Question: Address objections

Answer: Address all things they could object with

Question: Storytelling

Answer: Allow people to persuade themselves

Tell good stories and they will decide we are right