I Hate CBT's

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100 Ft Backing

Question: Step One

Answer: after backing off the road as instructed by the driver, straighten the wheels

Question: Step Two

Answer: use the 9 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 12 o’clock method for backing the car

Question: Step Three

Answer: Put hand at 12 o’clock (center), look over your shoulder then rotate the steering wheel to 9 o’clock (left) until you feel both tires come on the road

Question: Step Four

Answer: continue to look over your shoulder and Move your hand to 3 o’clock (right) to straighten the car

Question: Step Five

Answer: after 3 o’clock (right), continue to look over your shoulder and slowly back the car down the road with your hand at 12 o’clock (center).

Question: the speed limit should be

Answer: at a steady five miles per hour, no higher than ten miles per hour.