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1.09 Module One Exam U.S. History

Question: Which of the following contributed to the Sand Creek Massacre?

Answer: The discovery of gold in Colorado

Question: Which of the following was one of the provisions of the Dawes Act?

Answer: actions should be taken to assimilate native americans into American society

Question: How did lawmakers use the Fourteenth Amendment to justify the passage of Jim Crow laws in the South?

Answer: They argued that the Fourteenth Amendment applied only to the actions of state governments, not private individuals or businesses.

Question: What idea was the foundation for Jim Crow laws?

Answer: African Americans are culturally and intellectually inferior to white people.


Answer: distributing tribal lands to individual Native Americans

Question: Image of two railcars. The first railcar is labeled Car for White Folks. The car is in excellent condition. The second railcar is labeled Jim Crow Car. The car appears to be damaged.

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Which of the following problems of the Reconstruction South is the cartoon meant to highlight?

Answer: the separate-but-unequal conditions for African Americans

Question: Which of these resulted from the Union victory in the Civil War?

Answer: African American men were granted the right to vote.

Question: What was a result of the Battle of Antietam?

Answer: the issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation


Answer: to protect the civil rights of African Americans

Question: Which statement explains why the Fifteenth Amendment was proposed by the Radical Republicans during Reconstruction?

Answer: to ensure that African Americans would have a voice in the government