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1.09 Unit Test Narrative Techniques And Structure

Question: Refer to Explorations in Literature for a complete version of the story.

How does O. Henry’s use of third-person narration in “After Twenty Years” affect the story?

Answer: It allows the reader to get to know each character.


Answer: It creates a sense of surprise by having the newly arrived character speak with short phrases and exclamations.

Question: Part A

How does the author provide readers with important information about Aunt Gertrude in the passage’s exposition?

Part B

Which sentence from the exposition best illustrates the function of this part of the story as identified in Part A?

Answer: Part A

The author includes a flashback that details the narrator’s interactions with and views on his aunt.

Part B

“I had seen Aunt Gertrude more in the past two years than I had ever before in my life, and she could be terrifying, often wearing a mean scowl on her deeply lined face.”

Question: Which statement best describes how the story’s rising action creates tension?

Answer: It raises questions about what Great-Aunt Gertrude is sorry for.

Question: How does the author’s use of foreshadowing in describing the aunt’s past work as a governess affect the story?

Answer: It adds surprise to the story when the aunt’s true generosity is revealed.

Question: Part A

Why does the author use the first-person point of view in this story?

Part B

Which evidence from the story shows the impact of the first-person narrator as described in Part A?

Answer: Part A

to limit reader access to the thoughts, feelings, and memories of all characters except Bella

Part B

Isabella doesn’t know that Alejandro used to call her grandmother “Bella” until Abuela reveals it to her.

Question: What impact does the climax have on this story?

Answer: It serves as a turning point as it is revealed that the letters were intended for Abuela, not Bella.

Question: How does the author make this story comical?

Answer: The narrator says that her grandmother loves drama.

Question: How does the author show that Bella is a reliable narrator?

Answer: Bella admits she is embarrassed when Mateo finds her following him.

Question: Part A

How does the author of this passage create suspense?

Part B

Which textual evidence supports the response in Part A?

Answer: Part A

The author describes a situation in which the main character isn’t certain that he can accomplish his mission.

Part B

“Oh, here it comes: the Wave of Doubt. Why can’t I just concentrate on the task at hand in these situations?”