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11.2 Forests And Their Resources Answers Key

Question: Even Aged

Answer: A condition in timber plantations in which all trees are the same age

Question: Uneven Aged

Answer: Forest regrowth in which the trees are different ages; occurs after selective logging.

Question: Which type of regrowth is MORE BIODIVERSE- Even aged or uneven aged?


Question: Clear Cutting

Answer: A method of harvesting trees in which all trees in an area are cut at once. (Even Aged)

Question: Seed Tree Approach

Answer: A method of harvesting trees in which a small number of mature and healthy seed-producing trees are left standing so they can reseed an area that has been logged. (Even Aged)

Question: Shelterwood Approach

Answer: Method of harvesting in which a small number of mature trees are left in place to provide shelter for seedlings as they grow. (Even Aged)

Question: Selection System

Answer: Method of harvesting trees in which only some of the trees in a Forrest are cut at one time. (Uneven Aged)

Question: Deforestation

Answer: Clearing a forrest for another land use.

Question: Old growth forrest

Answer: A forrest that has never been logged.

Question: Name 4 products that come from Forrest resources

Answer: 1. Timber

2. Paper

3. Food

4. Medicine