20 Questions About The Outsiders

Question: What was the tuffest part about Ponyboy?

Answer: His hair.

Question: True or False. Randy wore rings on his finger.

Answer: False. Bob wore rings on his fingers.

Question: True or False. Bob drove a red mustang.

Answer: False.

Question: Why did Johnny kill Bob?

Answer: He was scarred Ponyboy would get hurt.

Question: Where did Dally say Pony and Johnny were hiding?

Answer: Texas

Question: Who is Mickey Mouse?

Answer: Sodapop’s horse

Question: What made Ponyboy sick the first time?

Answer: Cigarrets

Question: Where did Pony, Johnny, and Dally eat when they re-united?

Answer: DQ (Dairy Queen)

Question: How does Ponyboy like his eggs?

Answer: Hard.

Question: What is something always in the Curtis’ fridge?

Answer: Chocolate Cake

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