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2019 Access Exam Cgs1060C

Question: Create a new blank database named Payroll.

Answer: 1. Click the File tab

2. Click New.

3. Click Blank Database.

4. Type Payroll in the File Name box.

5. Click Create.

Question: Modify the width of the ServiceName column to best fit the data.

Answer: Double-click the column border between the ServiceName field and the Price field.

Question: Modify the width of the EmailAddress column to exactly 20.

Answer: 1. On the Home tab, in the Records group, click the More button, and select Field Width to open the Column Width dialog.

2. Type 20 in the Column Width: box.

3. Click OK.

Question: Apply the Zip Code input mask format to the selected field (Zip/Postal Code). Do not change default format or placeholder characters. Store the data without the symbols.

Answer: 1. Click the Input Mask box in the Field Properties pane.

2. Click the Build… button.

3. Click Zip Code.

4. Click Next.

5. Click Next.

6. Click Next.

7. Click Finish.

Question: From the current view, change the data type for the LastName field to Short Text.

Answer: On the Table Tools Fields tab, in the Formatting group, expand the Data Type list, and select Short Text.

Question: Create a new table in Design view. Name the first field: IncreaseID. Make the field date type: AutoNumber. Add the description: Unique ID. Set the field as the primary key. Save the table with the Name: WageIncreases


Question: Create a new relationship between the StaffID field in the Staff table and the Reviewer field in the Reviews table. Enforce data integrity between the two tables.

Answer: 1. On the Database Tools tab, in the Relationships group, click the Relationships button.

2. Click StaffID in the Staff table and drag to Reviewer in the Reviews table.

3. In the Edit Relationships dialog, click the Enforce Referential Integrity check box.

4. Click Create.

Question: From the current view, delete the FirstName field.

Answer: 1. On the Table Tools Fields tab, in the Add & Delete group, click the Delete button.

2. Click Yes.

Question: The company no longer offers this insurance plan. Delete this record.

Answer: 1. Click the record selector to select the entire record.

2. On the Home tab, in the Records group, click the Delete button.

3. Click Yes.

Question: Modify the table relationships so that when a record is updated in the Departments table, the related records in the Staff table will also be updated.

Answer: 1. On the Database Tools tab, in the Relationships group, click the Relationships button.

2. Double-click the line connecting the Departments and Staff tables.

3. Click the Cascade Update Related Fields check box.

4. Click OK.