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20.4 Electronic Devices Answer Key

Question: Information sent as patterns in the controlled flow of electrons through a circuit

Answer: electronic signal

Question: The science of using electric current to process or transmit information

Answer: electronics

Question: a smoothly varying signal produced by continuously changing the voltage or current in a circuit

Answer: analog signal

Question: A signal that encodes information as a string of 1’s and 0’s

Answer: Digital signal

Question: Which type of signal is usually used by an AM radio station?

Answer: Digital signal

Question: what can vacuum tubes do

Answer: Change alternating current to direct current, increase the strength of a signal, turn a current on or off

Question: An image is produced in a CRT when phosphors glow ________, _____________, and _________________ in response to _________________

Answer: Red, green, blue. Electron beams

Question: What are two types of semiconductors

Answer: n-type and p-type

Question: semiconductor can be made by adding what?

Answer: Trace amount of boron to a silicon

Question: As the electrons jump from hole to hole, it looks like a flow of __________________

Answer: Positive charge