I Hate CBT's

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21 Cna Skills

Question: 1. Hand washing

Answer: 1. Turn on the faucet so that clothes do not touch the sink

2. Wet wrists & hands (lower than elbow level)

3. Soap to hands

4. Wash with friction for 15-20 secs

5. Rinse with fingers pointed down

6. Dry hands with paper towels & toss

7. Use dry towel to turn faucet off & dispose

Question: 2A. Oral hygiene: teeth

Answer: 1. Wash hands & put on gloves

2. Position resident & put towel across chest

3. Rinse mouth with mixture of 1/2 water & 1/2 mouthwash

4. Have emesis basin under chin to spit out

5. Brush teeth

6. Dispose of equipment

Question: 2B. Oral hygiene: dentures

Answer: 1. Wash hands & put on gloves

2. Take dentures & place in a paper lined basin

3. Place washcloth or paper in sink to avoid breakage

4. Brush teeth with toothpaste or denture cleanser

5. Rinse with cool water

6. Dispose of equipment

Question: 3A. Shave a resident: razor


Question: 3B. Shave a resident: electric shave

Answer: 1. Wash hands & put on gloves

2. Position resident & put towel across chest

3. Make sure razor is clean & that resident has clean & dry face

4. With taut skin & going in the direction of growth.

5. Clean razor after use

6. Apply aftershave as appropriate

Question: 4. Nail care

Answer: 1. Wash hands & put on gloves

2. Fill basin with warm water

3. Soak resident hands for 10 mins & dry

4. Clean under the nails

5. Trim one at a time

6. File

7. Apply lotion as needed

Question: 5A. Perineal care: female


Question: 5B. Perineal care: male


Question: 6. Partial bath:


Question: 7. Shower / Tub bath
