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2.11 Quiz Laboratory Teeth 2

Question: On Skull A, which teeth were missing?

Answer: 1, 16, 17, 19, 29, and 31

Question: On Skull C, which teeth showed dental restorations (fillings)?

Answer: 13, 14, 15, and 16

Question: What was unusual about Skull B that might aid in the identification?

Answer: Several permanent teeth had not yet erupted.

Question: Which skull showed evidence of root canal work?

Answer: Skull A

Question: Which evidence might associate Skull B with Victim 3?

Answer: Presence of primary teeth and underlying permanent teeth

Question: Which conclusion is consistent with the bite mark on the suspect?

Answer: The bite mark was the correct size and shape for a human child.

Question: Which skull was associated with Victim 1?

Answer: Skull C

Question: Which skull was associated with Victim 2?

Answer: Skull A

Question: Which skull was associated with Victim 3?

Answer: Skull B

Question: Which most likely bit the suspect?

Answer: Victim 3