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3 Reasons Why George Confides In Slim

Question: luger

Answer: a type of German automatic pistol.

Question: what are three reasons that george confides in slim?

Answer: One way that George confides in Slim is that he was hard on Lennie. Another reason is when George told Slim how he met Lennie. Lennie’s Aunt Clara died and George took care of him. Lastly, George confides in Slim was when he told him out they got kicked out of Weed, and what Lennie did.

Question: why does george tell lennie to “get” curley?

Answer: George tells Lennie to “get” Curley because he was getting beat up. George was trying to tell Lennie to fight back against Curley. Lennie’s nose was punched, his eye was cut, and his whole face was bleeding. Lennie ended up busting Curleys’ hand by fighting back.

Question: what is the attraction of the vision of the farm and the rabbits to candy?

Answer: The attraction of the vision of the farm and the rabbits to Candy because he does not want a boss telling him what to do. His hand gives him limitations, so if he was on his own farm with George, Lennie, and no boss, he would have much more control over himself.

Question: why does candy say he should have shot his own dog?

Answer: Candy says he should have shot his own dog because he had been the one who took care of him all of his life. Candy and his dog had a very strong relationship and it was hard for Candy to let his dog go. He should have been with his dog for the last few seconds he had.

Question: George makes a comment about Curley’s wife’s presence on the farm, “‘Ranch with a bunch of guys on it ain’t no place for a girl, specially like her’” (51). What does he mean by this?


Question: Based on the question above, why does Curley’s wife’s behavior makes more sense?

Answer: Curley’s wife’s behavior makes more sense because hse is the only girl on the farm. She wants more attention from all the men, and that is why she is known as a tart and a very flirtatious person. Flirting with Slim is an example of this situation on the farm.

Question: How does Crooks refer to Slim? What does this tell the reader about the behavior between an African American individual and a caucasian individual?


Question: What examples of racism and/or gender inequality are presented in chapter 3? Give at least 2 and explain. Also quote the evidence from the chapter.


Question: What are two examples of figurative language from this chapter. Explain.
