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3.2 Image Labeling Medical Terminology Fractures

Question: transverse fracture

Answer: the break is at a right angle to how the bone runs horizontally

Question: oblique fracture

Answer: at an angle to the long axis

Question: comminuted fracture

Answer: when two or more fragments are seen

Question: avulsion fracture

Answer: injury to a bone where a tendon or ligament attach

Question: greenstick fracture

Answer: incomplete fracture where one side of the bone breaks and the other side bends

Question: impacted fracture

Answer: one part of the bone is crushed into another portion of the bone

Question: epiphyseal fracture

Answer: occurs where cartilage are dying

Question: colles’ fracture

Answer: occurs at the distal end of the radius

Question: stress fracture

Answer: repetitive or unusual stress often to a weight bearing bone