3.33 Unit Test Cell Biology

Question: Which process results in offspring that are genetically unique?

Answer: sexual reproduction

Question: How are the chemical equations of photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar or different?

Answer: the two equations are opposite of each other

Question: Which process takes place in meiosis but not in mitosis?

Answer: crossing-over

Question: A farmer plants soybean seeds in a field and the soybean seeds sprout. When the first leaves of the soybean plants emerge, photosynthesis begins. Which chemical substance serves as food for the soybean plants?

Answer: glucose

Question: A soybean plant uses cellular respiration to generate usable chemical energy, released within the cell as molecules of what substance?

Answer: ATP

Question: The production of egg and sperm cells follow a certain sequence of events. Which of the following lists those events in the correct order?

Answer: meiosis, cell differentiation, mature gametes

Question: Which statement is true about chromosomes?

Answer: they are made up of DNA wrapped around proteins

Question: Scorpions are born to live, two at a time, and they immediately crawl onto the mother’s back for protection and care. They remain there for two weeks as they grow big enough to take care of themselves. As baby scorpions grow larger, which process occurs in their body cells?a

Answer: cells divide by mitosis

Question: Scorpions are born with fully developed bodies that have many special parts, such as the stinger on a scorpion’s tail. Which process enables a scorpion zygote to develop into cells that ultimately form different body parts?

Answer: cell differentiation

Question: The skins cells of a scorpion organize together to form a hard, protective covering. Which term refers to a group of similar cells working together to preform a certain function?

Answer: tissue

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