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5.01 How Economists Ideas Affect Us Quiz

Question: Read the quotation above, an excerpt from a speech by a U.S. public official. The statement most directly reflects which of the following economic principles and contradicts which other?

Answer: John Maynard Keynes’s government responsibility, Adam Smith’s free enterprise

Question: This statement contrasts most strongly with which of the following economic theories?

Answer: Market forces work best when left alone.

Question: This quotation best supports which of the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes?

Answer: Government regulation is necessary to stabilize the economy.

Question: Which of the following statements most clearly aligns with the economic theories of Karl Marx?

Answer: Government manages the economy to prevent economic inequality.

Question: Which of the following statements best describes the economic theories of Adam Smith?

Answer: Private individuals and businesses ought to answer most economic questions for themselves.