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5.05 Quiz Clean Water Legislation

Question: Water Framework Directive 2000

Answer: manages surface water and ground water

Sets forth guidelines to be achieved by 2015 for reducing pollution and improving ecosystem health.

River basins are used as an primary administrative unit;

Question: Windmills in the Netherlands provide__

Answer: energy to retrieve fresh water and assist in water drainage, since about 20 percent of the area lies below sea level.

Question: 2008 Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

Answer: This law imposes pollution-incident fines of up to 50 percent of the yearly income of the polluting enterprise

Question: class- action suits

Answer: a suit that is brought by a group or groups of citizens against a single entity such as a corporation

Question: Clean Water Act of 1972

Answer: The act required permits for the discharge of pollutants at places where materials are directly dumped into a body of water

Question: point sources

Answer: a single, definable place where pollutants enter an ecosystem

Question: non-point sources

Answer: a diffuse area where pollutants enter an ecosystem

Question: Ducks Unlimited

Answer: an organization that combines the interests of hunting and wetland protection.

Question: What political unit passed the Water Framework Directive

Answer: European Union

Question: According to the U.S. Supreme Court, why were many wetlands removed from the protection of the Clean Water Act?

Answer: They existed solely within single states.