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A Parameter Is A Numerical Description Of A

Question: What is the difference between a parameter and statistic?

Answer: A parameter is a numerical description of a population characteristic where as a statistic is a numerical description of a sample characteristic.

Question: T/F A statistic is a numerical value that describes a population characteristic.

Answer: False- statistic describes a sample characteristic

Question: T/F A population is the collection of some outcomes, responses, measurements or counts that are of interest

Answer: False- ALL outcomes, responses, measurements or counts that are of interest

Question: Population or sample?A survey of 500 spectators from the a stadium with 42,000 spectators.

Answer: Sample, out of 42,000 only 500 were surveyed

Question: Population or sample?The final score of each golfer in a tournament.

Answer: Population, because it is a collection of all the golfers' scores in the tournament

Question: Identify population and sample:A survey of 1015 U.S. Adults found that 32% have had to put off medical care for themselves or their family in the past year due to cost.

Answer: Population: collection of the responses of all adults in the United States Sample: collection of the responses of the 1015 U.S. Adults

Question: Identify population and sample:A survey of 202 pilots found that 20% admit that they have made a serious error due to sleepiness.

Answer: Population: the collection of effect of sleepiness on all pilots Sample: collection of the effect on 202 pilots

Question: Parameter or statistic:62 of the 97 passengers aboard the Hindenburg airship survived the explosion.

Answer: Parameter

Question: Qualitative or quantitative?Height of hot air balloons.

Answer: Quantitative- because recording the height of the Balloons are numbers

Question: The weigh of infants at a hospital.

Answer: Quanitative, because the babies weight is a number

Question: What is the level of measurement of the set of data? Jersey numbers for players on a soccer team that are listed. 5 9 11 16 20 7 4 77 47 19 99

Answer: Nominal level- the jersey numbers don't have a specific order, you don't need to do math

Question: What is the level of measurement of the set of data? The top 3 books on December 23, 20121.Threat vector 2.Gone girl 3.The forgotten

Answer: Ordinal level- because it's in the category of books and they're put into order

Question: Determine the level of measurement of the data on the horizontal and vertical axis in the picture. See question 21 page 14

Answer: Horizontal- Ordinal Vertical- Ratio

Question: The items appear on a physician' intake form. Determine he level of measurement of the data. (A) temperature (B) allergies (C)weight (D)pain level

Answer: A. Interval B. Nominal C. Ratio D. Ordinal

Question: Nominal level

Answer: Qualitative, in a category

Question: Ordinal level

Answer: Qualitative and quantitative, put in a category and put in order

Question: Interval level

Answer: put in a category and put in order, find the difference, quantitative

Question: Ratio level

Answer: put in a category and put in order, find the difference, put Into ratios, quantitative