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Concept Map Connective Tissues

Concept Map: Connective Tissues

Complete the Part A Concept Map to describe the types of connective tissue found in the body

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

Complete the Part B Concept Map to indicate connective tissues’ characteristic functions.

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

Concept Map: Epithelial Tissues

Which of the following glands might utilize the secretory mechanism and duct structure shown in A?


What distinguishes the gland in A from the gland in B?

whether or not the secretory cells are destroyed in the process of secretion

What process is depicted in the basal layer of the glandular epithelium shown in B?

cell division

Chapter 4 Matching Questions 6-10

Which description best identifies the unique attributes of connective tissue?

Connective tissue contains a large amount of an extracellular matrix.

A histologist examines a tissue slide and observes many fibers tightly packed together in a parallel arrangement. A few cells can be seen squeezed between the fibers. Which type of tissue is being studied?

dense regular fibrous connective tissue

Why is blood classified as a connective tissue?

Blood cells, and the cells of all other connective tissues, come from the same kind of embryonic stem cell.

What is the ground substance in typical connective tissue matrix?

interstitial fluid, proteoglycans, and cell adhesion proteins

Epithelial tissue is typically localized to the following region(s) of the body.

on the surfaces of organs, on the walls of cavities, on the outer surface of the body, and in glands of the body

Based on its function, where would you likely find simple squamous epithelium?

in places where materials need to pass through a thin sheet of cells

What is the function of ciliated epithelium?

to move fluids across the tissue surface

Which of the following is an example of pseudostratified epithelium?

lining of the trachea

________ The epithelial membrane that lines the closed ventral cavities of the body.

Serous membrane

________ The epithelial membrane that lines body cavities open to the exterior membrane.

Mucous membrane

________ Consists of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.


________ Found lining the digestive and respiratory tracts.

Mucous membrane

________ Makes up the pleura and pericardium.

Serous membrane

________ Lines blood vessels and the heart.


________ : Attaches to extracellular matrix

Cell adhesion molecule

________ : Found in areas subjected to wear and tear

Stratified squamous

________ : Pull on bones or skin causing body movements

Skeletal muscle

________ : Moves food through the GI tract

Smooth muscle

Which description is best for transitional epithelium?

Cells that are more cuboidal in a relaxed state but more squamous when stretched.

What are the visible characteristics of transitional epithelium?

Multiple layers of cells.

Rounded apical surfaces that resemble a tombstone shape.

Neighbors a hollow cavity called the lumen.

Identify the function of transitional epithelium.


Where is transitional epithelium found in the body?

Lining of the ureters

Lining of the proximal portion of the urethra

Lining of the urinary bladder

What is the only body system that contains transitional epithelium?

Urinary system

The prefix ________ means middle or intermediate.


The prefix ________ means layers.


The prefix ________ means made like a net or web.


The prefix ________ means fiber or fibrous.


The prefix ________ means cartilage.


Any tissues that exist in layers and form linings or coverings fall into the category of ________.

stratified epithelia

________ is a type of cartilage with a net of collagen fibers to help resist compression and tension.


The mature cells that live in cartilage and maintain the matrix around them are ________.


________ is the type of connective tissue that forms a structural net to support other cells.

Reticular connective tissue

The middle portion of unspecialized mesoderm from which cartilage, bone, and blood develop is called ________.


Which tissue type consists of a sheet of cells that covers a body surface or lines a body cavity?

epithelial tissue

What tissue type has polarity and is avascular?


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of stratified squamous epithelia (SSE)?

The epidermis is a dry epithelium consisting of non-keratinized SSE.

How do endocrine and exocrine glands differ?

Endocrine glands do not use ducts.

Which of the following epithelial tissue types is NOT correctly matched to its function?

stratified squamous epithelium; absorption

Which of the following accurately describe the basement membrane which underlies epithelial tissues?

Epithelial cancers may have the ability to penetrate through the basement membrane and spread to underlying tissues.

Which of the following is a modification of the simple columnar epithelium that allows for efficient absorption along portions of the digestive tract?

dense microvilli

The wall of the alveolus (air sac) in the lung is composed of which type of epithelium?

simple squamous epithelium

The proximal tubule of the nephron (kidney tubule) in the kidney is composed of which type of epithelium?

simple cuboidal epithelium

The epithelium of the esophagus is composed of which type of epithelial tissue?

stratified squamous epithelium

Which part of the neuron (a specialized nerve cell) receives signals from other cells and is also the main metabolic region of the neuron?


Which of the three muscle cell types has multiple nuclei?


Which muscle cell type has visible striations but is not under voluntary control?


Which of the following connective tissues is richly vascularized and consists of more cells than extracellular matrix?


Your friend is trying to convince you that if the ligaments binding the bones together at your freely movable joints (such as your knee, shoulder, and hip joints) contained a higher percentage of elastic fibers, you would be much more flexible. Is this true? If so, would this present any serious problems?

Yes, ligaments that are more elastic (or stretchy) will provide greater flexibility, but at the expense of joint stability. The joints would be prone to misalignment and dislocation.

Which of the following best describes pseudostratified epithelium?

Single layer of cells with various heights

What are the visible characteristics of ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium?

Cilia project from the apical surface into the lumen.

The nuclei are found in multiple planes, giving the illusion of multiple cell layers.

Goblet cells are columnar cells that can be seen interspersed within the tissue.

Identify the functions of ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium.



Where is ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium found in the body?

Lining large bronchi

Lining the nasal cavity

Lining the trachea

What body system contains pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Respiratory system

A single layer of tall rectangular cells best describes which of the following?

Simple columnar epithelium

Describe the apical surface.

The apical surface is sometimes covered with cilia.

Secretions from goblet cells are released from the apical surface of a cell.

The apical surface is closest to or on the luminal surface.

Identify the primary functions of simple columnar epithelium.



Where is simple columnar epithelium found in the body?

Lining the stomach

Lining the small and large intestine

Lining the uterine (fallopian) tubes

Identify the one characteristic that does NOT describe a goblet cell.

Component of a mucous glandComponent of a mucous gland

What is the function of cilia?

Movement of something across the cell's surface

How would you interpret a micrograph that shows a cuboidal cell without a nucleus?

When preparing the slide, the blade did not cut through the nucleus.

Which of these are characteristics of simple cuboidal epithelium?

Simple cuboidal epithelium consists of a single layer of cube-shaped cells.

Simple cuboidal epithelium is found next to free space called the lumen.

Simple cuboidal epithelium frequently forms tubular or spherical structures in the body.

Identify the primary functions of simple cuboidal epithelium.



Where is simple cuboidal epithelium found in the body?

Kidney tubules

Thyroid follicles

What visual feature sets hyaline cartilage apart from other types of cartilage?

Matrix appears transparent.

Identify the primary function(s) of hyaline cartilage.

Provides structural support

Provides strength

Where is hyaline cartilage found in the body?




Where are chondrocytes located?

Inside lacunae