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Sweet 16 Candle Speeches Examples

Question: Intro

Answer: The 16 candles are dedicated to some very important people in my life. Those who have shaped me into the person I am today and have impacted me in one way or another.

Question: God

Answer: To start off, I would like to dedicate my first candle to god. I am so blessed to be here today and I'm so thankful for the wonderful life he has given me.

Question: Grandparents

Answer: This next candle is for my grandparents. They are beyond amazing and are always putting a smile on my face. Constantly making sure that I'm okay and spending quality time with me. Sadly they could not be here today, but to help me light this candle I'd like to call on stage Mangrukalar baba and Dhawrkanath ajee.

Question: Parents

Answer: I would like to dedicate this candle to my parents. They have always supported me no matter what. And they have given me everything I could ever possibly need. They are the best parents any girl could ask for, so this one is for you mom and dad.

Question: Sister

Answer: This 4th candle is to my dear sister. No matter how much we fight in the end we always make up, because we both know that we can't survive without each other. You always brighten up my day and I love you so so much. I'm so thankful to have you. So

Savni please come up.

Question: Family in India

Answer: This next candle is dedicated to my family in India who have always made a loving and caring environment for me. They have watched me grow up and have stayed there by my side for all my life. Sadly, they also could not make it today but to help me light this candle I'd like to call up

Question: Cousins

Answer: This 6th candle is dedicated to my cousins. We laugh together, we cry together, we've been through everything together. And I will forever cherish all the memories that we have made and will continue to make. I can confidently say that distance can never break our bond, no matter how far apart we are. Although they can't be here, this candle is to deven, chaku didi, janu, monu, and anushri. And to help me light this candle, I'd like to call on stage two cousins who are here today, Trupti didi and Vishal dada

Question: Kadam Family

Answer: This next candle is for a very special family. A family that I've known for as long as I can remember. They have been there all my life, and

Question: Rohilla Family

Answer: The 8th candle is for another very special family. They are like my second family and I have practically grown up with them. They have been there with me for all my milestone's like this one. I'd like to dedicate this candle to the Rohilla Family, and to help me light this candle, I'd like to call up Swati aunty, Praveen uncle, Shivangi and Saachi.

Question: NJ Family

Answer: This candle is dedicated not to just one family, but to many families. I have made so many memories with this group, from camping to cramming 10 families under one roof. It's definitely been an adventure with this group and I can't wait to continue for many more years to come with them. To help me light this candle I'd like to call up all the mausis and kakas of my very own New Jersey Family, Prajakta maushi, Sandeep Bhamare Kaka, Sarika kadam maushi, sandeep kadam kaka, neelima maushi, dhiraj kaka, pratik mama, leena maushi, sourabh kaka, Sarika jadhav maushi, Sandeep Jadhav maushi, Shraddha maushi, ravi kaka, taniska maushi, sachin kaka, shobha mauhsi, and Mohan kaka.

Question: NJ Kids

Answer: This is a candle, especially for some smart, kind, and beautiful young kids. I am so proud to be their role model a. These kids are lively, energetic, and the most humble children I have ever seen. This is for my New Jersey family youngsters, I love you all so much. To help me light this, I would like to call up Richa, Raghav, Ishwari, Kavya, Shlok, Apurva, Arha, Pari , sai, Viraj, Suhana, Arnav, Adi

Question: DG Family

Answer: The 11th candle is dedicated to another group of families who are very dear to me. Thank you for all the delicious food and the countless memories. I can't wait for more parties and to make more memories. And to help me light this candle I'd like to call Smita maushi, Satish kaka, Sonali maushi, Girish kaka, Swati maushi, Sandeep kaka, Sharmilla maushi, Abhijeet kaka, Supriya maushi, Prashant kaka, and Shilpa maushi and Sameer kaka.

Question: DG Kids

Answer: This 12th candle is dedicated to a close group of friends that I've known only for a few years, but we've laughed and cried and complained about the school and talked about almost every topic in the world, yet we still always have something to take about. This candle is for my DG kids group. Manmayi, Mahika, Dev, Deep, Jay, Jeet, Tanush, Aadit, Srihan, Arya, Dhruv, and Aarush

Question: Holi Friends

Answer: This next candle is for my holi friends. We don't just dance, we laugh, and we bond. They are some of the most kindest, funny people I have ever meet. So to help me light this candle, I'de like to call up Anagha, Ria, Anoushka, Ankita, Isha and Esha.

Question: School Friends

Answer: This 14th candle is dedicated to some of my closest friends. They know everything about me. Most people think that I'm a quiet, reserved person, that I am, but my friends know that I am a funny, out-going person who will make anything into a joke. I've made some of my best memories with girls and I don't know what I'd do without them all. They make school bearable and fun. So to help me light this candle I'd like to call up Florence, Karyanna, Sabrina, Emma, Alyssa, Allison, Marissa, Zarah, Iman and Bella

Question: New Friends

Answer: This next candle is for a new group of people that I have met only this year, but it feels like I've known them for forever. From support groups to complaining about AP Bio, these girls are the reason I love going to school. So I'd like to invite Priya, Valerie, Nicole, Sushma, Kaylen, and Maliha, to help me light this candle.

Question: All Guests

Answer: This 16th, last and final candle is dedicated to all of you. Thank you so much for coming tonight and for celebrating my sweet 16 with me today. Thank you for making this night even more memorable.