Which Of The Following Statements Regarding Agonal Respirations Is Correct

Question: The phase of the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles fill with blood is called:

Answer: diastole

Question: Which of the following statements regarding agonal respirations is correct?

Answer: Agonal respirations are ineffective and need to be assisted.

Question: Your ability to remain awake is a function of the:

Answer: reticular activating system

Question: Which of the following statements regarding smooth muscle is correct?

Answer: A person has no voluntary control over smooth muscle.

Question: The ___________ plane separates the body into left and right halves

Answer: Midsagittal

Question: Which of the following statements regarding the medulla oblongata is correct?

Answer: The medulla is sensitive to pH changes and sends messages via the phrenic nerve to contract the diaphragm.

Question: Which part of the central nervous system is responsible for coordinating bodily movements such as writing or sewing?

Answer: Cerebellum

Question: Which of the following systems is responsible for releasing hormones that regulate body activities?

Answer: endocrine

Question: Abnormalities in metabolism are MOST likely caused by dysfunction of the:

Answer: pancreas

Question: A by-product of involuntary muscle contraction and relaxation is:

Answer: heat

Question: Activities such as walking, talking, and writing are regulated exclusively by the:

Answer: somatic nervous system

Question: A fracture of the humerus just above the elbow would be described as a:

Answer: distal humerus fracture

Question: All necessary life functions are coordinated in what part of the brain?

Answer: brain stem

Question: An increase in heart rate and contractility occurs due to stimulation of:

Answer: beta-1 receptors

Question: A patient has a blood pressure of 130/70 mm Hg. The "130" represents:

Answer: ventricular contraction

Question: Both areas of the pons are used to:

Answer: augment respirations during emotional or physical stress

Question: Breathing occurs as the result of a(n):

Answer: increase in carbon dioxide, which decreases the pH of the CSF

Question: Capillary sphincter closure during internal or external bleeding is detrimental because:

Answer: waste products are not removed and nutrients are not delivered to the cells

Question: Contraction of the right ventricle causes

Answer: blood to flow into the pulmonary circulation.

Question: Dead space is the portion of the respiratory system that:

Answer: contains no alveoli and does not participate in gas exchange.

Question: Deoxygenated blood from the abdomen, pelvis, and lower extremities is returned to the right atrium via the:

Answer: inferior vena cava

Question: How does respiration differ from ventilation

Answer: Respiration is the process of gas exchange, whereas ventilation is the simple movement of air between the lungs and the environment.

Question: If an average-sized patient's chest barely moves during inhalation, even if his or her respiratory rate is normal, you should suspect that:

Answer: minute volume is decreased.

Question: Large amounts of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is generated when:

Answer: the cells function with adequate oxygen.

Question: Pathophysiology is the study of the functional changes that occur when the body reacts to a particular:

Answer: disease.

Question: ___________ pressure is the pressure exerted by a liquid and occurs when blood is moved through the artery at relatively high pressures.

Answer: Hydrostatic

Question: Stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors results in:

Answer: constriction of the blood vessels.

Question: The artery that can be palpated on the anterior surface of the foot is the:

Answer: dorsalis pedis.

Question: The carpal bones form the:

Answer: wrist

Question: Worn out blood cells, foreign substances, and bacteria are filtered from the blood by the

Answer: spleen

Question: Which of the following statements regarding nervous system control of the cardiovascular system is correct?

Answer: Baroreceptors located throughout the body provide information to the brain regarding the blood pressure.

Question: The ___________ portion of the spinal column is joined to the iliac bones of the pelvis.

Answer: sacrum

Question: The circulation of blood within an organ or tissue in adequate amounts to meet the cells' current needs is called:

Answer: perfusion

Question: The firm cartilaginous ring that forms the inferior portion of the larynx is called the:

Answer: cricoid cartilage

Question: How does respiration differ from ventilation?

Answer: Respiration is the process of gas exchange, whereas ventilation is the simple movement of air between the lungs and the environment.

Question: The connecting nerve, a nerve of the peripheral nervous system, functions by

Answer: connecting the sensory and motor nerves and bypassing the brain.

Question: Which of the following arteries does NOT carry highly oxygenated blood?

Answer: pulmonary

Question: Which organ lies in the lateral and posterior portion of the left upper quadrant (LUQ) of the abdomen?

Answer: spleen

Question: What is the minute volume of a patient with a tidal volume of 500 mL, a dead space volume of 150 mL, and a respiratory rate of 16 breaths/min?

Answer: 5,600 mL

Question: The left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs through the:

Answer: pulmonary veins

Question: As the bronchus divides into smaller bronchioles, the terminal ends of these smaller passages form the:

Answer: alveoli

Question: Oxygen and carbon dioxide pass across the alveolar membrane in the lungs through a process called:

Answer: diffusion

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