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4.01 Nixon Presidency & Watergate Quiz

Question: What bargain did many Americans suspect had been made between presidents Nixon and Ford?

Answer: that Nixon had resigned with the understanding that Ford would pardon him

Question: Which of the following did President Nixon support during his first term?

Answer: the creation of the EPA

Question: Gerald Ford’s presidency was marked by

Answer: severe economic issues.

Question: In an attempt to address the national reaction to the pardon of former president Nixon, President Ford

Answer: testified before Congress.

Question: In United States v. Nixon, the Supreme Court ruled that

Answer: Nixon could not use executive privilege to withhold the Watergate tapes.

Question: What White House Official provided additional testimony against Nixon, including tape recordings?

Answer: Alexander Butterfield

Question: Which of the following names two pieces of domestic legislation passed during the Nixon administration?

Answer: the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act

Question: Which of the following best describes the connection between the United States, China, and the SALT I agreement?

Answer: Nixon used the new US closeness to China to negotiate the agreement with the Soviet Union.

Question: In United States v. Nixon, the Supreme Court’s ruling made it clear that

Answer: the executive branch should not have more power than other branches of government.

Question: When President Nixon finally turned in transcripts of the Watergate tapes, the transcripts

Answer: showed that Nixon had covered up the Watergate crimes.