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4.12 Unit Test Trace Evidence 2

Question: Which is not a method for collecting a toolmark on a doorframe?

Answer: making a rubbing of the mark on the frame

Question: Which tool likely made these marks?

Answer: saw(?)

Question: Which conclusion can be made when radial cracks from impact A on a glass stop at the radial cracks of impact B?

Answer: Impact B happened before impact A.

Question: In which stage of manufacturing can the type of glass be varied between soda-lime, borosilicate, and aluminosilicate glass?

Answer: formulating the mix

Question: What substance would be predominant in the topmost layer of soil?

Answer: humus

Question: Which smell describes red soil?

Answer: sweet

Question: Which technique would be best for bringing out the details of a shoeprint impression in sand?

Answer: photography with direct lighting

Question: Which information is necessary to determine the speed of a vehicle in an accident?

Answer: length of skid marks, type of pavement, and wet or dry conditions

Question: Which are the major physiological effects of narcotics?

Answer: The drug gets carried through a stationary phase by a mobile phase and the retention time is identifies the drug.

Question: Which are the major physiological effects narcotics?

Answer: reduce pain