I Hate CBT's

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A Fight Or Flight Response Is Helpful To Humans Because It

Question: Subtle forms of prejudice that coexist with the rejection of racist beliefs is called…

Answer: Modern racism

Question: Fernando cannot stop worrying that a thief is going to break into his apartment, so he keeps checking the doors to make sure they are locked. Fernando’s worrisome thoughts about the break-in are an (blank). The fact that Fernando checks the locks over and over is a (blank).

Answer: Obsession; compulsion

Question: Seeing someone who is red in the face and “ready to explode” with anger might indicate that the person…

Answer: has a type A personality

Question: When Valerie leaves her house, she experiences unwelcome thoughts that make her nervous, so she engages in repetitive behaviors that make her feel calmer so she can get into her car. Based on this, Valerie is most likely to be diagnosed with…

Answer: obsessive compulsive disorder

Question: Carlson notices that a friend is acting different than usual and the friend does not seem to realize that her behavior is odd. This makes Carlson concerned that her friend may be experiencing…

Answer: psychopathology

Question: According to class discussions, 6 out of the top 9 most stressful events on the CUSS have to do with:

Answer: Sex


Answer: Medical

Question: According to the textbook, under stress, females are likely to show the (blank), whereas males are more likely to show the (blank).

Answer: tend-and-befriend response; fight-or-flight response

Question: Melinda just got a new job as a receptionist, and she does not expect it to be very stressful. However, she is nervous about learning how to perfom well in the job when she first starts working. The stress Melinda is facing is (blank) term and may result in (blank) immune function.

Answer: short;better

Question: Which of the following states is NOT characterized as one of the three components of happiness?

Answer: Being acknowledged by others as a successful person.