A Figure Resulting From A Transformation

Question: Isometry

Answer: a transformation in which the preimage and image are congruent

Question: Transformations


Question: Pre Image

Answer: the original figure in a transformation

Question: Image

Answer: a figure resulting from a transformation

Question: Prime Notation

Answer: Symbolic representation given to images as a result of a transformation. If P is the original, P’ (read P prime) is the original object after one transformation; P” (read P double-prime) is the result of the original object after two transformations.

Question: Congruent Figures

Answer: Figures that have the same size and shape. Figures that are reflected, rotated, or translated are congruent.

Question: Corresponding points

Answer: The points of a figure after a transformation that have the same relative position

Question: Reflection

Answer: A transformation that “flips” a figure over a mirror or reflection line.

Question: Line of Reflection

Answer: A line that a figure is flipped across to create a mirror image of the original figure

Question: Rotation

Answer: A transformation that “turns” a figure about a fixed point at a given angle and a given direction.

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