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A Financial Advisor Schedule An Introductory Meeting

Question: The income tax bracket of your client’s adult children.


Knowing the income tax bracket of your client’s children may be helpful in some situations (for example, when you are determining the most appropriate gift to give a particular person) however, it is generally not essential to the financial planning process. The other three items are more relevant.


Question: Implementing the financial plan recommendations.


By actually selling the insurance product you are now implementing plan recommendations.


Question: Analyze and evaluate the client’s financial status.


Preparing financial statements are part of the analyzing and evaluating the client’s financial status step of the financial planning process.


Question: Objectivity.


The most important quality the planner brings is objectivity. The client is often unaware of their true financial position and the objectivity provided by a knowledgeable financial planner can provide insight into the client’s actual financial profile.

Answer: One of the most important qualities a professional financial planner brings to the client/planner relationship is: ________________.



Question: Analyze and evaluate the client’s financial status.


During the planning process you have already established the relationship as well as gathered the client data. Your next step is to analyze and evaluate the data you received.


Question: Which of the following professional credentials would provide you with the most credibility since it is the oldest and best known?

Answer: CFP

Reason: The CFP® certification is the oldest and best-known certification for financial planners.

Question: Reverend Lola Pak, a prospective client, came to your office for the first time today. Which is the most appropriate way to greet her?

A) “Welcome to my office.”

B) “Welcome to my office, Ms. Pak.”

C) “Welcome to my office, Reverend Pak.”

D) “Welcome to my office, Lola.”




Question: Personal financial planning is the comprehensive

process of formulating,

implementing, and monitoring financial decisions that guide the client to achieve financial goals.

True or False?

Answer: True